Nothing feels real right now. It's like I'm trapped in this horrible nightmare that I can't get out of. What else could you possibly call the psycho mobster that wanted to use my face as his own personal canvas, and threatened to do to me what his goons did to my car tracking us all the way here and shooting Logan (and if not for my dad, me too)? I
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Veronica sure had a lot more to learn than she thought she did. As grown up as she was, there were definitely things that she had to go through (probably even more that Logan had to go through). Hell, maybe I still had some learning left in me.
As hard of a time I have with Logan Echolls being in love with my daughter and her possessing the same feelings for him, I'm sure I had a much harder time seeing her like this. Worried that she was going to lose one more person so very close to her. Maybe I just have that boy thankful that Veronica not the one in that room right now with doctors working to save her life.
I put a few coins into the machine for coffee and a few more in the other for the little bag of cookies. I knew Veronica didn't want to eat, but she probably should anyway. She looked like she was turning just as pale as Logan had.
I couldn't help but notice Maribeth and Daniel waiting there with their daughter too.
"We just want to make sure that he's alright."
I gave a nod towards them before returning to Veronica's side. I sipped at the cheap hospital coffee that was so weak I wasn't even sure it was caffeinated. I put the cookies in her hands. "I know you said you didn't want anything, but you used to like these. You should have something."
"And just, you know, for the record? I did try not to love him for pretty much the entire time we weren't together. It turns out that whole concept was flawed and impossible." I said, trying to tease. Thankfully Logan seems to have moved past the need to be constantly destructive or I don't know how we ever would have worked. He still has things he has to work through, but he knows he's got at least one person he can count on to help him deal with it all. This time he knows I'm not about to bail on him...or he'd better after the way I didn't back down about the nightmares... assuming he makes it through.
"Tell me some good news." I asked suddenly, "Things are still going okay with you and Mrs. Fennel, right?" It was my dad's turn to distract me, keep me from obsessing and making myself sicker than I already am with worry. He probably thinks I'm convinced I don't need him. Not true. I just wished he could see that I'm 18, not 8, and I need some room to make choices and a life of my own as much as I need him to be this safe place for me in the storm of real life.
"Not fair... you know I can't turn down cookies." I pouted to him as I snuggled into his shoulder again.
Okay, so I might not be 8, but I was going to keep acting like a clingy little daddy's girl for the foreseeable future. Not that I think he minds.
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