"So, the plans to throw pebbles against your bedroom window at three in the morning to take you out secretly are issued?" I asked with a teasing voice drop whisper against her lips.
We were pretty much back to the same old thing that we had done last year, weren’t we. Except the person we were trying to walk on eggshells around was her father. As aware Keith Mars was, in the end he was and always would be so unaware. Veronica was sneakier than she was given credit for.
"C’mon, it’s not like he really expects this whole situation is going to work out, does he? You’re sort of eighteen. It’s not even like he can stop you, Veronica." I pointed out. In that moment, I became pretty sure that Mr. Mars would do everything in his power to stop Veronica and me from seeing each other.
"He’s really not impressed with me, is he?" I sighed at the look in her eyes.
Okay, I had no room to speak. Who expected him to be impressed with me with all that had been in the news lately and everything I’d ever put Veronica through? It’s not even close to what things are like now and that’s what I really think he’s afraid off. Though, really, who wants to see their little girl naked and in bed (or on the couch) with a guy equally naked? It’s no wonder why Daddy Mars doesn’t want me around his daughter.
"There are pizza places open at three in the morning?" I teased back as we kissed softly. I'm all for being smuggled out in the middle of the night. Not that there's anywhere short of the boat to go at that time, but whatever. It's more Logan time, which as far as I'm concerned is a good thing.
"I'm 18...but as far as my dad's concerned? I'm still his little girl and for some strange reason he seems to equate that with me listening to every word he says and not arguing. He did live through the last two years with me, so he's clearly really idealistic and hopeful." I pointed out, "But yes, he actually does expect this to work the way he wants it to."
He asks if my dad's really not impressed with him, and all I can do is just look at him until he sighed. It's not like the reaction we got that morning showed anything but his total disdain for the fact that Logan was anywhere near me, never mind the condition he found us in. I swear, he wouldn't have reacted that badly had it been Duncan, which really just makes me so completely angry.
I mean, given that he doesn't know Logan, not really, I can see where the initial reaction came from, but shouldn't he trust my judgment, even a little bit?
"He'll get over it." I insisted. "He's going to have to eventually." That was more than true. I mean, obviously Logan and I were fairly committed to each other, so my dad was just going to have to get used to the fact that Logan's a part of my life. Or just keep is mouth shut. One of the two.
"Chez Logan is open at any time. It mostly consists of frozen pizza and having an oven." I replied with a small grin to her. "Though really, the frozen pre-made food is only actually good if you're around. That's possibly because I wouldn't actually be focusing on the food," I told her, kissing her lips again lightly.
There's pretty much nothing I can do to impress her dad. Nor do I really want to at this point. I get that I've messed up in the past, but the past isn't exactly the future and I like to think that sometimes I have redeeming qualities. Like, for say, actually being in love with his daughter?
"Well, it's not exactly as if I'm going anywhere," I pointed out firmly, when Veronica insisted that he's going to have to get over it. "So, yeah."
I saw the look pass over Veronica's eyes, the one that told me that her dad was judging me and not even the guy who had really hurt her recently. I just had to keep up the hope that her dad would end up changing his mind instead of seeing me for my father's son.
"Pizza's pizza, Logan." I smiled, returning the kiss.
Like he thought I had issues with pre-made/frozen food? At this point I'm pretty used to it, especially when my dad's away on a case. Even when he is here, Mac and Cheese is pretty much a staple, and that's prepackaged at least. Yeah, I'm really gonna turn my nose up at frozen pizza when it means giving up more time with Logan. Spending more time with Logan is, after all, the entire point of sneaking out in the middle of the night.
And that is something we've clearly resigned ourselves to at this point. Of course the irony of the fact that my dad has provided me with both the reasons for and the ability to successfully sneak past everything he would attempt to track me with is definitely not lost on me.
"I know. Not even questioning that, promise." I told him, looking him in the eyes as I spoke after he pretty much insisted in a tone that left no room for argument that he wasn't going anywhere. It really wasn't even something I doubted for a second.
I just wished my dad could see that. THat Logan wasn't going to hurt me, or disappear like mom did or anything. That all he wanted was me safe and happy. I'm failing to see how that's different from what my dad wants, the reasons he keeps giving me for me to stay away from Logan.
"Actual dates would be nice, but I'm perfectly happy to just spend any time with you I can. It's not like this is forever, this whole sneaking around thing." I pointed out.
Spending time with Veronica is spending time with Veronica, I told myself. If her father had an idea what we were plotting, I'm sure I'd be a dead man on the spot. But then again which teens didn't sneak out of their houses in the middle of the night for some sort of secret rendevouz? Right, Veronica.
"Yeah, a regular sort of date would be nice," I agreed softly. It'd be nice for once to not have our relationship really hidden. I mean, the Summer was something, but now? Shouldn't things be different.
I gave a beat, my hands sliding down to her hips, "So, when can I see you next, out of school, I mean." Aka: when can I efficiently sneak you out of your own house for some sort of midnight clandestine meeting? If I truly thought anything else would really work I'd be trying it about now. I already pretty much had plans to go and talk to her dad. Try to make sense out of thing, but I had my doubts, realistically.
"Um..." I actually had to think about that first question. Came down to how my dad took me not getting the scholarship and Logan's beyond generous gift. I couldn't see that going well so tonight was probably out. Mostly because he'd probably expect it if we fought - that I'd run off to Logan's. I don't want my dad thinking that's why I'm doing it if he catches me. Like I'm acting out or something. If I was going to make my decisions on a purely reactionary basis, there would have been a lot more nights like homecoming when I was younger. It seemed pretty pointless and juvenile at this point. Like I kept trying to remind him...18. Nearly in college. Nearly living on my own. What am I going to gain by acting like or being perceived as a spoiled brat?
"Tomorrow work? Tonight's probably going to be one of those nice weird fighting-but-not evenings in the Mars Household." I said. I was sure he got why that was without me having to say it. Even sneaking out once a week on Saturday or Sunday would make the weekends seem a lot shorter. And the sleep deprivation didn't matter as much when there wasn't work and school to worry about.
"Favourite and what should be eaten while on a date aren't really all that mixy." I told him with a soft laugh. "Why don't we go with something simple like Pepperoni for now? No bad-breath causing peppers or onions or sausage."
I nodded in agreement, catching the thoughtful look in her eyes that I couldn't quite pinpoint until she stated that tonight was going to be a weird fighting-but-not evening for her at home. Right, the bank statement that actually said she had some sort of college future. I'm sure her dad would be so impressed. He probably thinks I'm now starting to buy his daughter or something. I wonder if he actually thought that during the Summer or if things were only different now.
I leaned in and kissed her lightly, "Tomorrow sounds good. We've had the talk about precious Veronica time, haven't we? Let's face it, just seeing you out of this bathroom is going to be good."
"And do you really think I'm going to care about your breath if you're eating the same thing as me?" I asked her with a small smirk. "Besides... there's this new thing that came out, it's called a breath mint. It's been known to improve bad breath and cover up any issues with foods that might give off any funky tastes."
"Uh-huh, we have. Much like the precious Logan time in that we'll take it wherever we can get it, right?" I smiled, returning the kiss. "And yes, not being surrounded by varying shades of green tile while I see you will be a nice change of pace."
I could tell he definitely caught on to why tonight was a no-go. And that it annoyed him as much as it did me. Because we both knew what my dad was going to think when I told him about the college fund. Of course he couldn't be further off base with that thought, but that wouldn't change a single thing.
"And you might have a point regarding the food." I laughed when he started in about the breath mints. "Fine, get whatever so long as there's no pineapple. Fruit shouldn't be on pizza. It just shouldn't." I stated.
"Well, I can drag you into the boy's bathroom one time," I teased. "You know, just as a change of pace. We have blue tile there. Unless you think that's too weird?" You know, she shouldn't, after so much time it might be nice to be in a bathroom for my own gender.
Though in general it would be cool to take her out to a movie or a restaurant instead of just seeing the insides of schools, bathrooms, or boats. Things had really started to become constricted for us, hadn't they?
"I will one day change your mind about that whole no fruit on pizza thing," I told her with a small grin. We'd had the debates before. All throughout the Summer when we were trying to settle on pizza flavors I'd go for the ham and pineapple while she leaned towards something without fruit saying it was ungodly. "There's going to be like... hidden pineapple on it."
"Well, we could. Except by your own admission, this one's much cleaner." I pointed out. "So yeah, cleaner is good when we're basically in here to make out, don't you think?" I asked with a smirk.
"Highly unlikely, but you can try." I said, rolling my eyes playfully. "We've been over that many, many times, haven't we? Fruit, any fruit, on pizza is just not a concept I can get behind in any way."
We'd had this conversation more times than I could count this past summer, never mind when the four of us would hang out and argue over what toppings to get...that went on for years. By now we should know we're not going to agree on toppings.
Smart people would just compromise with half a pizza with pineapple and half without. But not us. No, Logan had to threaten to bury it in the pizza to torture me.
"And what makes you think I won't spit out the hidden pineapple when the offending chunk of tropical fruit registers its presence on my taste buds?"
We were pretty much back to the same old thing that we had done last year, weren’t we. Except the person we were trying to walk on eggshells around was her father. As aware Keith Mars was, in the end he was and always would be so unaware. Veronica was sneakier than she was given credit for.
"C’mon, it’s not like he really expects this whole situation is going to work out, does he? You’re sort of eighteen. It’s not even like he can stop you, Veronica." I pointed out. In that moment, I became pretty sure that Mr. Mars would do everything in his power to stop Veronica and me from seeing each other.
"He’s really not impressed with me, is he?" I sighed at the look in her eyes.
Okay, I had no room to speak. Who expected him to be impressed with me with all that had been in the news lately and everything I’d ever put Veronica through? It’s not even close to what things are like now and that’s what I really think he’s afraid off. Though, really, who wants to see their little girl naked and in bed (or on the couch) with a guy equally naked? It’s no wonder why Daddy Mars doesn’t want me around his daughter.
"I'm 18...but as far as my dad's concerned? I'm still his little girl and for some strange reason he seems to equate that with me listening to every word he says and not arguing. He did live through the last two years with me, so he's clearly really idealistic and hopeful." I pointed out, "But yes, he actually does expect this to work the way he wants it to."
He asks if my dad's really not impressed with him, and all I can do is just look at him until he sighed. It's not like the reaction we got that morning showed anything but his total disdain for the fact that Logan was anywhere near me, never mind the condition he found us in. I swear, he wouldn't have reacted that badly had it been Duncan, which really just makes me so completely angry.
I mean, given that he doesn't know Logan, not really, I can see where the initial reaction came from, but shouldn't he trust my judgment, even a little bit?
"He'll get over it." I insisted. "He's going to have to eventually." That was more than true. I mean, obviously Logan and I were fairly committed to each other, so my dad was just going to have to get used to the fact that Logan's a part of my life. Or just keep is mouth shut. One of the two.
There's pretty much nothing I can do to impress her dad. Nor do I really want to at this point. I get that I've messed up in the past, but the past isn't exactly the future and I like to think that sometimes I have redeeming qualities. Like, for say, actually being in love with his daughter?
"Well, it's not exactly as if I'm going anywhere," I pointed out firmly, when Veronica insisted that he's going to have to get over it. "So, yeah."
I saw the look pass over Veronica's eyes, the one that told me that her dad was judging me and not even the guy who had really hurt her recently. I just had to keep up the hope that her dad would end up changing his mind instead of seeing me for my father's son.
Like he thought I had issues with pre-made/frozen food? At this point I'm pretty used to it, especially when my dad's away on a case. Even when he is here, Mac and Cheese is pretty much a staple, and that's prepackaged at least. Yeah, I'm really gonna turn my nose up at frozen pizza when it means giving up more time with Logan. Spending more time with Logan is, after all, the entire point of sneaking out in the middle of the night.
And that is something we've clearly resigned ourselves to at this point. Of course the irony of the fact that my dad has provided me with both the reasons for and the ability to successfully sneak past everything he would attempt to track me with is definitely not lost on me.
"I know. Not even questioning that, promise." I told him, looking him in the eyes as I spoke after he pretty much insisted in a tone that left no room for argument that he wasn't going anywhere. It really wasn't even something I doubted for a second.
I just wished my dad could see that. THat Logan wasn't going to hurt me, or disappear like mom did or anything. That all he wanted was me safe and happy. I'm failing to see how that's different from what my dad wants, the reasons he keeps giving me for me to stay away from Logan.
"Actual dates would be nice, but I'm perfectly happy to just spend any time with you I can. It's not like this is forever, this whole sneaking around thing." I pointed out.
"Yeah, a regular sort of date would be nice," I agreed softly. It'd be nice for once to not have our relationship really hidden. I mean, the Summer was something, but now? Shouldn't things be different.
I gave a beat, my hands sliding down to her hips, "So, when can I see you next, out of school, I mean." Aka: when can I efficiently sneak you out of your own house for some sort of midnight clandestine meeting? If I truly thought anything else would really work I'd be trying it about now. I already pretty much had plans to go and talk to her dad. Try to make sense out of thing, but I had my doubts, realistically.
"... and what's your favorite kind of pizza?"
"Tomorrow work? Tonight's probably going to be one of those nice weird fighting-but-not evenings in the Mars Household." I said. I was sure he got why that was without me having to say it. Even sneaking out once a week on Saturday or Sunday would make the weekends seem a lot shorter. And the sleep deprivation didn't matter as much when there wasn't work and school to worry about.
"Favourite and what should be eaten while on a date aren't really all that mixy." I told him with a soft laugh. "Why don't we go with something simple like Pepperoni for now? No bad-breath causing peppers or onions or sausage."
I leaned in and kissed her lightly, "Tomorrow sounds good. We've had the talk about precious Veronica time, haven't we? Let's face it, just seeing you out of this bathroom is going to be good."
"And do you really think I'm going to care about your breath if you're eating the same thing as me?" I asked her with a small smirk. "Besides... there's this new thing that came out, it's called a breath mint. It's been known to improve bad breath and cover up any issues with foods that might give off any funky tastes."
I could tell he definitely caught on to why tonight was a no-go. And that it annoyed him as much as it did me. Because we both knew what my dad was going to think when I told him about the college fund. Of course he couldn't be further off base with that thought, but that wouldn't change a single thing.
"And you might have a point regarding the food." I laughed when he started in about the breath mints. "Fine, get whatever so long as there's no pineapple. Fruit shouldn't be on pizza. It just shouldn't." I stated.
Though in general it would be cool to take her out to a movie or a restaurant instead of just seeing the insides of schools, bathrooms, or boats. Things had really started to become constricted for us, hadn't they?
"I will one day change your mind about that whole no fruit on pizza thing," I told her with a small grin. We'd had the debates before. All throughout the Summer when we were trying to settle on pizza flavors I'd go for the ham and pineapple while she leaned towards something without fruit saying it was ungodly. "There's going to be like... hidden pineapple on it."
"Highly unlikely, but you can try." I said, rolling my eyes playfully. "We've been over that many, many times, haven't we? Fruit, any fruit, on pizza is just not a concept I can get behind in any way."
We'd had this conversation more times than I could count this past summer, never mind when the four of us would hang out and argue over what toppings to get...that went on for years. By now we should know we're not going to agree on toppings.
Smart people would just compromise with half a pizza with pineapple and half without. But not us. No, Logan had to threaten to bury it in the pizza to torture me.
"And what makes you think I won't spit out the hidden pineapple when the offending chunk of tropical fruit registers its presence on my taste buds?"
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