May 11, 2007 19:52
So my new hobby thing that changes every week has taken a turn possibly for the...well "more imaginative" (because I refuse to say nerdy)
So i had this little cartoon song stuck in my head from way back in the day and i could only remember a couple of the words so i looked it up on the internet and found it and a bunch of people addicted to that show. So being my curious self i decided to check it out. and now i fear i have crossed over to the addict side
but be that as it may just because i can find these little cartoon shows on the internet for free doesnt mean i didnt learn anything. I got a much better appreciation of what art is and what art has become,
you know back in the day when people drew things to looks like things instead of throw on colors for "personal interpretation" i think that kind of stuff is a load of crap. i dont like abstract art.
and as i blab on and on about the glory days i'll go into the area of art with meaning
they say a picture is worth a thousand words. I also know a picture can make you laugh and cry
its like this wave of interconnectivity
its like you can catch just a glimpse of God's genius. Colors convey emotion and the world if full of color. Sounds convey atmosphere, and there is always sound if there is air, even if its just your heart beating. and then you have touch, the sense that brings it all together. amazing the way it works.
Thank you God for the senses.
so as a little side note i got to thinking on things i wish i could do better all of which revolve around senses
I wish i could draw soooo bad, i love pictures i wish i could do it
I wish i could drive a manual
I wish i could be a better christian
I wish i my family was more into sports because then i would be too
I wish i could be more sociable (even though i'd swear im working super hard at it)
and then just more random drabbles of things you may or may not know about me that i have no idea why but it feels good to write them down so other people can see it.
I like sitting down and just thinking about anything.
I have the imagination of a 10 year old, and i hope to never lose it.
I make up stories in my head from things i see on tv or read in books
I dream about things i become obsessed about (i know you all think the office here but ive only actually dreamed about that twice)(...and it cant really even count because I was sitting in Jim's chair and the lights were out and nevermind)(hahaha totally kidding)
I'd bet money that I would be a good psychiatrist
I'm pretty sure of myself, musically speaking, and speaking in general
the second i learn to play the guitar i want to write songs about my life story
Im almost positive i know more about emotion than 99% of the rest of the male population
Of all the emotions i can act out crying/sadness is about impossible for me to replicate
I idealize a world without money, society as we know it, politics , and celebrities, even though im pretty sure the absence of the things would be the beginning of the end times.
I work best with one on one situations
If you put a camera in my house you would probably be shocked how differently i act {think good ways :)}
I do occasionally like the smilies like the one i just used
If im reading something i like, I will neglect everything i can to finish it as fast as i can
Ive always had this interest in photography
I go to on occasion just because i like to learn
I have a big problem going to bed before 11:30
I actually like being Youth President
Im pretty sure than I could get along with 19 out of 20 people if I needed to
Typically i remember things a lot better than people think (like owing money)
i might add to this later
but now
i guess i'll just go and imagine myself asleep