lost ff: so now we're here and now is fine (sawyer/juliet)

May 12, 2009 19:26

She sweeps over him, legs falling down on either side, keeping and holding him there.  His hands tease her, fingering the buttons of her blouse slowly, scoffing at the notion of time and urgency.

He knows she likes the ease of it; time has allowed him to learn the map of her moods and the subtext of her touch. He was a quick study, an eager student. That surprised him - the unexpected excitement of familiarity.

“Did you have a good day?” he asks with mock-seriousness, his voice capturing the frivolous mood. He doesn’t expect a reply and receives none.

The light cuts through the blinds of their bedroom, splashing across the sheets and their skin, a pathetic but welcomed voyeur. It swallows the room in a playful sunlight and gravitates towards her eyes, sharpening them to the kindest, brightest of blues.

He knows she likes this time of day, when the sun hasn’t yet surrendered but no longer has the cruel energy of the afternoon.  It is soft, smooth, like the feel of her skin under his fingertips or the kisses he runs across the pale spread of her shoulder.

He searches her with his eyes, his hands, his mouth, and whispers her name in her ear, a smile pressing into her neck. He knows she likes that.

But there are things he likes too, so he pulls her back from him and she laughs lightly (but deeply, in a way that has both charmed and confused him) till she meets his eyes with a sultry smile.

Reaching up behind her he gives a playful tug to the mess of yellow tied behind her head, pulled back to protect it from the dirt and dangers of the day. With a quick motion it is set free, his hand coming down across her shoulder with the heavy golden river.

He runs a hand up her arm, then back through the tips of her hair. He pauses and smirks. “There we go.”

She laughs.

juliet burke owns my soul, lost is the greatest show ever, sawyer and juliet, fanfic

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