
Jul 13, 2004 21:42

Bad situations with friendships suck. I hate getting in the middle of things, and I hate when friends get hurt. But why do people have to run their mouths?

Tonight, after several days of debate I told a friend that one of her new friends has been badmouthing her. I've personally heard the badmouthing, as well as hearing it from a reliable other outside of the situation. There are complex levels of drama in my own extended circle with the said badmouther, but I've happily stayed far enough away from the situation to be unaffectd about it. It's when I realized they had both become friends that I had to bring myself into the drama and say something. I HATE HATE HATE drama. But if it were me I would want to know, so my actions tonight are based on that...

It all comes together in my mind as the danger it is to make new friends. I see why I am so reserved in my own friendships - because of things like this. Always worrying about who said what to whom. I'd like to think that any of my good friends would tell me if I was in the same situation above.

Blah. It's a sucky moment in time.
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