Mar 27, 2006 03:07
its odd how you can know about a philosophy, read about it and even think you understand said philosophy until one day someone restates it to you and it seems to make more sence, seems more important than before...
and it only takes one person...
is it the person who makes the difference or is it the way they say it...*shrugs* i guess that really doesn't matter in the long run. what does matter is that the way you think about something changes, and how are you going to deal with that change?
i cant answer how i am going to deal with the change, and to even think that i could have an idea about it seems silly to me. I do hope that the change has a possitive affect...*shrugs* But in order for that to happen i have to make it happen, i cant just keep the knowledge and do nothing about it...but that is the key with everything isn't it...
So the question was put to me earlier today(and no this isn't the full extent of the conversation that caused the previous statements), and i hate to say it but i never really gave it much thought before, not seriously at least. and well i guess i should...
"How do you want to be remembered when you die? And how do you think you will be remembered when you die?"
and the gears in the brain start turning and thoughts and ideas come to mind...and all of a sudden i'm not really sure about anything i do anymore, so something needs to change...