[Video] ⌘ Tired in more ways than one

Aug 24, 2010 08:46

... They're finally gone.

[ The young boy collapses a bit tiredly, clearly having trouble operating the SFC. His outfit is in shreds, tophat gone, and he looks thoroughly... exhausted. It's clear he had a hell of a time trying to fight the things off himself. He's breathing heavily, but seems otherwise alright. He's silent. ]

... Does it really matter at all...? G-going back, or what's really going on here. Everyone here is so preoccupied, but... the situation... as it is, even if things like this last week happen over and over again, the situation... it'll always be the same... over and over...

[ ... With a silent, quiet glance at the SFC, the child looks at the mess around him off-screen. Whatever he's done, he's exhausted a very severe, stupid option during the last curse, and is suffering quite a deal because of it, but doesn't say anything. More than that, there's a kind of sadness to the boy that seemed to be more than just a general tiredness. Without another word, the feed cuts. ]

!ic, aaaaadaaa, curse: zombies, !video, hiatus over \o/, sister ;~;, depressed shota is depressed

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