Flist and R-list! Help?
I'm looking for a few audio betas, possibly on a temporarily ongoing basis if possible, but single time helpers are more than welcome! You don't need to know a thing about the fandoms (unless you prefer to) or a thing about podfic! My problem is that I'm slurring my words badly enough again that my tendency to over-enunciate isn't always making up the difference. It's making it's way noticeably into my podfic recordings and that's a problem. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make sure that I can be understood or if re-records (partial or full) need to be done.
Any other feedback you choose to give is welcome, but what I really need most are folks to let me know when I've failed to make the story properly audible.
Right now, the stories that I'm working with are SPN femmeslash & het and Gateverse fic (mostly female-centric, but there's some boyslash coming).
Even if you can't help, thanks for reading :)
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http://cantarina.dreamwidth.org/33475.html. (comments: