Thanks for your support, all. To set a less serious tone than last night, please enjoy a short linkspam :D Art recs in the last.
Eight Reasons why Donald Glover should be Spiderman Obviously, Troy from "Community" did not get cast in the role, BUT IMAGINE IF HE HAD.
2. A man in the UK has been conducting interviews with actors known for their work in science fiction television as a part of a project looking at the deeper meanings of the genre. He's posted snippets of the interviews on his personal website; check it out for thoughts from
Kate Mulgrew, Joe Flanigan, David Nykl, Ben Browder, Nathan Fillion and Eddie McClintock. 3.
Doctor Who fans are crafty. Literally. Some of it is really outstanding (I want that quilt!)
Art for a BSG/SPN fusion. Follow the links - there's more than just this page. I haven't read the fic the art is attached to, but they're gorgeous enough to stand on their own very easily. I kind of adore the lighting in particular. Too warm for BSG and too way saturated for Supernatural, but it sets the tone so sweetly.
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