via_ostiense: What's my favourite time of day?
It's hard to say, because
I love early mornings for their sense of potential. There's so much day ahead that even huge or difficult tasks feel lighter. My body feels good going to bed early and waking up early and I love the way doors feel that much more open when the sun is still slanting in from the east.
I love the afternoon, because that's when my body kicks it into gear. Popular culture talks about night owls and early birds; I'm an afternoons kind of gal. I'm at my sharpest and most physically able in the hours after lunch. I like the uptick of energy, the clearing of the mental fog. I imagine this is the closest I'll ever get to the me-that-would-have-been, had I never had the stroke. I don't mourn her but I am intensely curious about what kind of woman she would have been. More importantly? I like the person I almost all the time, but there's a particular pleasure in being at the top of my game.
I like the late afternoon and evening because if I'm winding down, then so is the day. I get to go see friends or curl up on my futon and READ. So many stories, so many wonderful worlds and characters, so many good chats and hugs with people I love.
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