This is a TV post.

Nov 09, 2012 22:54

TV Update!

I haven't actually watched "An Origin Story" yet, but my reaction to this week's episode is mostly "Oh Peter. What have you done to yourself in your grief?" And to applaud Olivia for trying to get him to confide in her, for them to keep talking and loving each other. Super pleased to be the Boy Wonder Observer reintroduced into the canon. I'd assumed that was a dropped plot thread, BUT APPARENTLY NOT.

Oh! AND SHOW, if you're going to playing with dimensions, why not take just another step to the right and go visit the red!verse, amirite? I miss them!

Also, Etta, Walter, Peter. Show's pushing more and more toward the likelihood of a reset button.

Is it Sunday yet? I ask that every time I finish an episode; this season is really rocking it. So many ladies having adventures in fairytale land! Paternal!Charming with his grandson! Acknowledgement that David was an ass! Character growth for Regina! Also, is someone writing Belle/Red? Because someone should be writing Belle/Red. I'm kind of hoping that Regina ends up on Team Hero by the end of the season, although with complications, because let's not totally erase canon?

ps Look, I have no idea what Neal saw in that box or who he's meant to be (other than a future recurring character) but making unilateral decisions for Emma about Emma's life was a jerk move. Especially because she's your partner. Not on, Neal. Not on.


Loving the epic Tom + Matthew bromance. Edith being a columnist brings me joy, even if I'm not sure how I feel about her ending up with her editor, unless it's like Spencer Tracey/Katharine Hepburn, in which case, I'd love to see Edith grow up to be Katharine Hepburn. Because hi, she was all kinds of badass and revolutionary.

I'm caught up! Excited for the second half of the season (moar Myka/HG pls) although I'm hopping mad that they've killed off Leena. You never even bothered to give her a backstory, show. Seriously, stop that.

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