Blanket permission is a way for fan artists to let other fans know their comfort with others playing with their works. It's particularly helpful to podficcers when authors give blanket permission for anyone to podfic their works without having to ask first. To find out more on blanket permission with regards to podfic check out
pod_aware on
LJ or
Blanket permission is what today's podficlets have in common. All of the authors have given it.
I'm in a few different land/verse comms and I feel like a broken record, because whenever an individual multimedia challenge is posted, my first question to the mods is always "So, can I do podfic for this?" I'd rather be podding than writing, making graphics, or doing virtually any other kind of fanwork and while podfic doesn't always fit into the structure of a particular challenge (and I try to respect that), I'm always nosing my microphone in if I think that there's room for it.
A few months ago,
stargateland offered up nine prompts and said "Create!" Once I got the go-ahead for podfic, one of the first things I did was hit the LJ and DW Amplificathon Blanket Permissions lists. Waiting for permissions to trickle in on nine different stories - however short the stories were (the longest podfic here clocks in at under nine minutes, most well under five) - would have been a huge hindrance and like a lot of people have already expressed today, there's something fun about recording from someone who's given blanket permission. You know that they're likely to be enthusiastic, or at least have an understanding and basic respect for what you do, and that starts the project off on a really great note.
To be clear, I'm not trying to say that blanket permission is for everyone. For personal reasons, you may prefer not to have podfic made of your stories at all, or may prefer to get the heads up before the process is started. That's okay! The point I'm trying to get across is that blanket permission lists are a lovely, encouraging resource for podficcers. THANK YOU to all of the authors who are represented below and to all the rest of you who've done the same :D
There are eight (number 9 is still going through growing pains) Gateverse podficlets below the cut, covering SG-1, SGA, and SGU. It's all rarepairs and gen.
Bowling Night by Em at
what_worksReader: Cantarina
Fandom: Stargate: SG-1
Characters: Vala, Teal'c
Length: 3:06, 3mb
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Vala discovers a new passion: bowling . . . or Vala ruins a perfectly good non-sexual game.
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Audiofic archive Found by
thingswithwingsReader: Cantarina
Fandom: Stargate: SG-1
Characters: Cameron Mitchell/Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran
Length: 4:25, 4.3mb
Rating: PG
Summary: "Daniel's gotten used to being kidnapped, tortured, killed, interrogated, beaten, turned into a caveman, killed, and tied up, and until recently, his team was pretty much used to it, too."
Mediafire |
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Audiofic archive Rhythm by
thingswithwingsReader: Cantarina
Fandom: Stargate: SG-1/Stargate: Atlantis
Characters: Radek Zelenka/Vala Mal Doran
Length: 1:47, 1.7mb
Rating: PG-13
Summary: There's more than one kind of dance happening on the floor.
Mediafire |
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Audiofic archive Fruit of the Vine by
elementalvReader: Cantarina
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Characters: Teyla, Charin
Length: 5:03, 3mb
Rating: PG (Podder's rating)
Summary: Teyla was just fourteen the first time she overindulged in ruus wine.
Mediafire |
(stream) | Audiofic archive Submit by
emerald_embersReader: Cantarina
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Characters: Teyla/Todd
Length: 1:36, 1.6mb
Rating: R
Summary: His body is confused by the nearness of her to Wraith
Mediafire |
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Audiofic archive Of Dogs and Men by
starrylizardReader: Cantarina
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Characters: Ronon, Elizabeth Weir
Length: 2:14, 2.2mb
Rating: G
Summary: Elizabeth puts Ronon up for the night.
Mediafire |
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Audiofic archive Reasons for Sleep by
starrylizardReader: Cantarina
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Characters: Carson Beckett/Elizabeth Weir
Length: 8:23, 5mb
Rating: PG
Summary: Elizabeth gave a rueful smile, swirling the amber liquid in the bottom of the glass. “Is this what you recommend to all your sleep-deprived patients?”
Mediafire |
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Audiofic archive Acceptance by
donutsweeperReader: Cantarina
Fandom: Stargate: Universe
Characters: Young, Scott
Length: 3:22, 3.2mb
Rating: PG (Podder's rating)
Summary: Colonel Young goes to see Lieutenant Scott after the events of "Air" while Scott is still recuperating and learns some things about his Lieutenant.
Mediafire |
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Audiofic archive