Title: Unfinished Symphony
Day/Theme: November 22. haunting melody.
Series: Touka Gettan
Character/Pairing: Kikyou, Makoto
Rating: G
Kikyou relaxes and lets the melody of the flute surround her. The notes are not perfect, but there is a warmth, a familiarity about them that brings a sense of peace. She can feel the dragon's presence within Makoto and a calm washes over Kikyou's body as she recognizes the subtle power.
The melody stops and Kikyou realizes just how late it has gotten. Looking to her side, she grants a nervous Makoto a kind smile, complimenting her on far her playing has come in such a short time. The young girl accepts the praise with a faint blush before excusing herself and Kikyou watches her run off with a fond smile.
Makoto has accomplished so much in this short time but the song is still far from complete. The notes remain within Kikyou's mind and she closes her eyes, imagining the rest of the song. Her fingers ghost through the air as she recalls the melody that she has played a thousand times in the past.