this could possibly be the worst christmas ever . i dont mean to be such a downer , but im just not in a very good mood . i love my friends , i love my family , im just in a bad mood and i hate this. today was pretty shitty at my grandparents , everyone was bickering over stupid stuff and my brother ruins everything and made my mom really upset today , he's been throwing a pity party cuz he thinks he didnt get an ipod for christmas and has been crying like a gay fuck when tomorrow hes gonna feel like a dumbass cuz she bought him one last month. i feel like ive been seperating myself from everyone today and i felt like a total loser. ash and her boyfriend are really cool though so i chilled with them for a bit and theyre coming over in the morning so that should be chill. im upset at myself because other than 4 people , i havent bought a christmas gift for ANYONE , not even my family . i would have if i had any money but all month ive been completely broke. oh well theres not really much i could have done about that. last night just got me in a bad mood ... NOT my party because that was a ton of fun and i love all my friends , so dont worry .. just ughhh . nevermind i wont even talk about it anymore . i hope you all have a very merry christmas and get everything you wanted. i'll be ok , its not that big of a deal i guess .. im just kinda crushed temporarily .. im usually so happy on christmas eve , theres so much to look forward to .. a new year , seeing everyone happy , and a whole nother week of freedom with my friends .. but all i see coming is driving school all week , my parents fighting , garret and taylor screaming at eachother all day , and me bored out of my fucking mind , i need to snap out of this , this CANNOT be reality . wow
i promised taylor she could sleep in my bed with me tonight , so i have to go make sure she goes to bed now so "santa" can bring in her gifts. maybe ill be better tomorrow . i love you
i also promised katie these .
.. i thought that was cool
- night