Can't let you tap that, Starcox

Mar 20, 2009 05:34

Name (and age if applicable): Wolf O'Donnell, 35 yrs. old.
Series: Star Fox
Occupation (if applicable): Mercenary-for-hire

Personality: Although playing the role of antagonist and rival to Fox McCloud, Wolf could probably be seen as more of an anti-hero than a villain. He follows his own personal code and sense of honor and does not value those with a backstabbing personality and extreme greed (e.g., Pigma Dengar). He is willing to work together with his rivals for a common goal, but only for that short amount of time where his help is required. After that, it's back to blowing the ass out of your ship.

His sense of pride gets in his way at times and leads him to seek revenge when he's been humiliated. He quick-witted and a strong leader, but also short-tempered and selfish. His code of morality tends to sway toward whoever he's working for at that point in time.

As a mercenary he's adapted that typical tough-guy attitude that comes from years of life-threatening work. He has little patience for naive and ignorant people. Having seen the ugliest side of others, he isn't terribly friendly but you can earn his grudging respect with the right moves.

Backstory: Wolf O'Donnell was an only-child born into a rich, lucrative Cornerian family, hence the title "Lord O'Donnell". His parents Lupin and Theria O'Donnell demanded he join the Corneria Flight Academy as soon as he was 16 years old, with the expectation that he would retire early and start a family to continue the O'Donnell bloodline.

During this time, Wolf was a very different individual... although he had a natural talent for flying he didn't care much for joining the Cornerian forces. But he was very submissive to his parents and was desperate to earn the approval of his father, Lupin.

Upon joining, he immediately befriended classmate Leon Powalski. His first years at the academy were rough because he was constantly being harangued by the other students for being a 'rich boy'. He was the victim of hazing and other school follies that left him embittered over the years. He always tried to hold his pride and not sink to their level, which made him seem like even more of a rich snob. Still somewhat passive and determined to make his father proud, he didn't want to fight back.

One of the older students, and often the ringleader of this mischief, was James McCloud. Though a good person at heart, James was young and full of himself. He held a high-standing with the teachers and was admired by all, but Wolf came to despise him due to the harsh treatment he received.

After Andross was banned from Venom, Wolf finally got sick of the treatment he was receiving. He worked diligently but was constantly overshadowed by James. Together he and Leon ditched the academy and became mercenaries.

His father disowned him shortly thereafter, but by this point Wolf didn't give a hoot. It was time to start doing things his way. It wasn't long until 'StarWolf' was making a name for themselves and caught the attention of Andross. They were hired for his elite team where Wolf once again encountered James McCloud during one of his missions.

The two were tailing each other and both managed to crash their ships on the surface of Fortuna where a fierce hand-to-hand combat fight occurred between the two canines. Wolf almost had the upper-hand but James was too quick and the battle ended when he clawed out one of Wolf's eyes. Leaving Wolf shrieking in pain, McCloud departed. But before he left he revealed that the reason he had targeted Wolf in school was because he himself was hazed in his first years and felt it made him a stronger, more determined fighter. He had seen a lot of promise in Wolf and was disappointed that he threw it all away for mercenary work.

Now forced to wear an eye patch, Wolf continued his mercenary work without looking back. He was happy to be free-range and not bound by the laws of the government like the pilots of the Cornerian army. He also vowed to someday have his revenge on James, and may or may not have played a role in his death (he hints at it, but never really confirms it outright).

What brings this person to Diamond City?: With the death of Andross, and the Lylat system seemingly peaceful, mercenary work has been hard to come by. He comes to the city hearing of the business opportunities available and sets up a home base for StarWolf. He hopes to continue his work as a mercenary here for the time being.

Misc. Notes: He spends his spare time in the bars drinking MANLEH drinks and being fawned over by chicks who like that whole 'tough guy with the patch' look. Unfortunately he doesn't have much patience for really dumb/bimbo-type females and usually tells them off.

He was close to his mother Theria, and she thinks of him every single day.

He likes fierce, powerful women.

A young Wolf with his mother, Theria.

ooc, application

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