More. And
even more!
Adjectives, nouns, verbs, and generally useful phrases:
- above par - tolerably drunk
- awake - aware of
- bang-up - great
- bacon-brained - stupid
- barking irons -- pistols
- bawbels - testicles
- bear-garden jaw -- rough talk
- bilking - cheating
- Blue ruin - gin
- blunt - money
- bosky - crazy
- bran-faced -- freckled
- bunch of fives -- a fist
- cackle - to inform on a criminal
- Canterbury story -- shaggy-dog story
- Cat's paw -- to be the tool of another. "From the story about the monkey who secured a chestunt from the fire by using the cat's paw," according to the Regency Companion.
- chalk -- to take advantage
- charactered - having your hand burned as punishment for stealing. Think Jack Sparrow’s “P”
- charm - lockpick
- cheeseparing -- miserly
- clanker -- a whopper of a lie
- crack lay - housebreaking
- cracked the crib - broke into
- cup-shot - tipsy
- dab, dab hand -- skilled practitioner
- doss - sleep
- dub - lockpick
- face -- lie brazenly
- facer -- punch to the FACE
- fambles - hands
- flash - fancy, fake?
- flea bite -- slight injury
- floor -- to knock down
- flummery -- flattery
- foxed - drunk
- French leave -- going AWOL
- Friday-faced - a dismal countenance
- gammon - nonsense; to fool
- gingerbread -- wealth
- glimflashy -- wrathful
- grease - bribe
- havey-cavey - suspicious
- hen-hearted -- cowardly
- high water -- rich
- hoaxing -- mocking
- inexpressibles -- underwear
- ivories -- teeth
- ken - home
- kicks - shoes
- kick over the traces -- out of control
- lay - danger, problem
- leg -- to bow
- leg-shackled - married
- lighten - steal from
- light-skirt - prostitute
- lookout - problem, worry
- low water mark -- penniless
- maggotty -- whimsical (seriously??)
- nattered - bothered, worried
- nubbing cheat - gallows
- out at the heels -- in a bad financial situation
- pet -- huff, as in "in a huff"
- pucker -- disorder or fright
- put in an oar -- meddle
- queering - fooling
- ready -- money
- rig -- trick or scheme
- rum - good, valuable
- scandal broth -- tea. BEST SLANG EVER.
- sharping lay - housebreaking
- sharp set -- ravenous
- shoot the cat - "to retch from drunken excess" (in the Regency Companion's delicate phrasing)
- smokey -- strange, curious
- Spanish coin -- flattery
- stick your spoon in the wall - die
- stubble it! -- shut up!
- suds -- trouble
- togs - clothing
- touch -- social level
- twig -- to see
- twit - scold
- warm -- wealthy
- whisker -- lie
- wicher-bubber, wicher cheat - silver drinking bowl, silver platter. I don't pretend to understand the etymology.
- bean -- guinea
- canary -- a sovereign
- sovereign - one pound
- plum -- 100,000 pounds
- pony - twenty-five pounds
- monkey - five hundred pounds
- Ace of spades -- widow
- Ape leader -- old maid
- apartments to let -- airheaded
- back door usher - gay man (or, as delicately put in the dictionary I found it in, "sodomite")
- Baggage -- women and children
- Blunderbuss -- incompetent person
- Captain Queernabs -- poorly dressed man
- Captain Sharp -- "a roguish gambler who is well-schooled in cheating."
- Cit -- city person, citizen of London
- Clunch -- lout
- Court card -- foppish fool
- cully -- SO MANY MEANINGS. A prostitute's john, a foppish ninny, general term for a man . . .
- deep one -- cunning rascal (as opposed to a tentacular horror from a Lovecraft story.)
- diamond squad -- persons of quality
- Dowdy -- coarse woman
- flat - gullible fool
- frogmaker - wizard, magic-user (Note that this is endemic to Kim's world, and not to Regency England in general. >.>)
- fribble -- effeminate fop
- gabster -- chatterbox
- gudgeon - someone gullible
- gull - someone easily cheated; to cheat
- Harridan -- unitdy old woman
- Hell cat -- uppity woman
- hoyden - tomboy
- jackanapes -- impertinent fellow
- jade -- worthless woman
- jilt -- deceiving woman
- Johnny raw -- country bumpkin
- loose fish - someone unreliable
- merry-begotten -- love child
- mort - woman
- mushroom -- someone who suddenly gains wealth and importance
- paper scull -- fool
- Quiz -- odd-looking man
- shallow pate -- ninny
- swell - rich person
- toff - rich person
- Turk -- cruel man
- Unlicked cub -- immature lad
- wag -- mischevious fellow
- wet goose -- stupid girl (although I think "goose" is gender-neutral for "dumbass")
Canting crew:
- abbess -- madam of a brothel
- ale-draper - publican
- Autem Divers - pickpockets who work in churches
- bit o’ muslin - prostitute
- bung nipper - pickpocket
- canters - thieves or beggars (I'm fairly sure at this point that the term is derived from Canterbury, but I could be wrong.)
- Covent Garden abbess, Covent Garden nun, Covent Garden lady -- prostitue. Take a wild guess what went on in Covent Garden.
- doxy - prostitute
- family man - fence for stolen goods
- freebooter - pirate, smuggler, bandit
- impure -- loose woman
- ladybird -- a kept woman or mistress.
- nabbing culls - constables
- Robin Redbreasts - constables, I think.
- scapegallows -- what it sounds like: someone who's escaped the gallows.
- sawyer - horseman
- School of Venus -- rather delicate name for a brothel
- sharper - con man (sharps con flats. Get it?)
- stews - brothels
- thatch-gallows -- rascal