Aug 17, 2009 19:47
Lily smiled widely at the woman sitting across from her, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees. "Scarlett, I have fantastic news."
The heavily pregnant Engineer in front of her returned her grin, although because of her large stomach she couldn't quite match the doctor's posture. "Go on, go on."
"Well, first of all, there's absolutely nothing wrong with your little boy. He is quite possibly the healthiest baby I've ever seen," Lily said, shrugging a little. "Seriously, you and your husband did good. I know you were worried about the decreased movement, but that's just because he's reaching just over five pounds. He just can't move around as much anymore. You're going to need to pee a lot more in the coming weeks, so don't worry about that, either."
Lily pulled out her medPADD, flipping through a few applications to pull up the images of Scarlett's child she had developed the night before. Before passing the PADD over, she clicked open a message from Tonia -- Engineering! The Yeoman was seeing more of the ship than Lily ever was going to.
Scarlett squealed as she zoomed in at the image of her son. "He's so beautiful! Oh, Jesus, can we show Mike? Look, he has Mike's nose! Dr. Evans, this is incredible. I just -- thank--"
An impossible shriek of metal interrupted the woman. Lily stood, holding out a hand to steady Scarlett's shoulder as they both looked around. Lily tilted back to glance outside the examination room, and then --
Another sound of nails dragging down a chalkboard and they were both thrown down, against the wall, down to the floor, banged around, and all Lily could think of was the baby, the baby, was the baby okay, Scarlett, sit up -- She tried to stand, but her ankle buckled under her, twisted at an impossible angle. There were people shouting, alarms going off, voices coming over the intercom, and all Lily could think of was the baby.
verse: trekking