i've been real sick since sunday night. i have a stomach virus =(
it sucks real, real bad. my sister has it too, thanks to me, hah. So, we both hung out today being all sick. It was oh so great. =/
I got so many text messages from people saying "hope you feel better", i thought it was really sweet but too bad everytime someone sent one, i'd be sleeping and the damn thing woke me up!! hah, oh well. thanks lovers ♥
i finally changed my layout around a little bit. i thought it was definitely time. =)
but anyways, i think i need to go take a shower. ohh yes. =)
i hope everyone had a good "hump" day, hah ;D
oh and....i'm leavin for florida early friday morning!!! :D
0h and here is some random pictures since i told some of my non-lj people i'd post an unlocked entry :D
me and squidward are kinky ;D hah.
smile, bitches!
LOOK! It's like you are actually looking down my shirt. =o
tryin to be sexy. oh yes.
i'm one goofy mofo. i know it.
and because jennie is a PIMP! ;D
yeah, that'll do.