Halloween Horror Nights is the coolest when you are with the people you love dearest and never realized how much they mean to you until that one moment.
I like a boy, but I think I should move on and find someone new?
Clarinets make me mad, but when we all do good and actually DON'T argue, we are totally cool
I think I want to try out for Drumline next year. Anyone disagree?? Good. Cause I don't care WHAT you think. =)
Ms. Zahn is the neatest person in this whole entire world and I don't know what I would do every morning at 7:15 AM!!!! without seeing her bright smiling face. She makes me really happy for no reason. YAY
I want to have a brithday party at the Fellowship Hall and I want Castaway and Crosshill to play there, because I think that would be flipping sweet!
Randomness is awesome
I have been listening to the Castaway cd everyday. It's flipping sweet too. =)