(no subject)

Feb 08, 2007 21:36

I don't know how to best describe myself so I'll just give a few examples about me. I'm the kind of girl who assures her friends before they go out that she has her camera, but I NEVER take it out. I have no sympathy for my friends that date assholes, in my opinion you want it that way or you would leave him. Always leave before you are left, it makes things easier. I don't like getting close to people, yet it's easy to gain my trust and even easier to break it. I've come across a lot of liars and told a few big ones myself. It will stay a secret if you truely intend it to be. I played a lot of sports starting when I was 5 until a little after I graduated high school. I've had so many injuries I find it hard to walk most days. That doesn't mean I can't kick your ass in any one of those sports though. I love meeting new people but hate hanging out with someone alone for the first time. I don't make conversation but I can easily hold one. I haven't found my drink or my limit yet, yes, I'll admit it. I have a lot of friends but not many I would cry infront of. I fit it with any group which makes it hard for people to figure me out. I like bands like Sublime, Brand New, The Rolling Stones, and Lynyrd Skynyrd yet I have a lot of fun dancing to rap and hip hop. I am a fun girl, always having a good time but never over the top. I have broken hearts and had mine broken once... it really makes you think twice. I love my family and would do anything for them. I don't like big concerts but I love big crowds at bars. I am deathly afraid of clowns because of a terrible dream I had when I was 4 or 5. I miss some of my old friends but I do believe people come in and out of your life for a reason. I am a pretty stubborn person. I used to live my life at shows and now rarely go 4 times a year...
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