Aug 03, 2005 20:36
Alright, well, I have my boyfriend Jason Paiva, now hes never really been too keen with my dad because the first time they ever really spent any time together my dad was yelling at me to do housework and it made quite a first impression on my boy. Sooooo tonight he was yelling at me because I fell asleep at Jason's house which happens from time to time. I was getting really upset and I told him if Jason felt comfortable at our house then we would spend more time here but he didnt feel comfortable and I elaborated on what had happened. My father denied it, as he does everything, and then started going off about how much he dislikes Jason and how he's, well lets say, not good enough for me. The things he said made me want to put him through a wall and I started shaking I was so upset kinda like the "if you get angry enough your body literally starts shaking" kind of thing. I walked upstairs, got dressed and went to leave the house. My dad stopped me and said "where are you going in my car?" Mind you, that car is my mothers, but I figured for the sake of arguement, I wouldnt bring that up. I replied "I'm not going anywhere in your car, I'm going in my car to Jason's house." He then went on about Jason and how much he doesnt like him and how i wasnt going anywhere. "If you're going to act like a child, I'm going to treat you like a child. You're grounded, like a child." Now, last time I checked...children didn't have cars, boyfriends and were sleeping over at their boyfriends house. In no way am I acting like a child and I think thats the problem. He wants me to act like a child because he feels as if hes losing control. I wont listen to him and I wont give in to his demands, children for the most part are very obedient and listen to their parents because they revere them as people who know what they're talking about. He later came in my room and started telling me I'm exactly like my mother and thats my problem. I'm sorry but at this point, my mother is a better person than my dad and I should aspire to be more like her on some levels. Oi...just oi...I was thinking about moving in with the Gardners if they'll have me. Life was so much easier and so much better there. My dad has gone back to the old days, the days of my mother which is very hard because now I dont have my mother standing up for me anymore or helping me out with him. We used to just take it and after he went to bed we would eat ice cream and I would be able to shrug it off, not that easy now and I know no matter how many times i may say it or how many times I may through those facts in his face, nothing will change and thats why I need my out. I'm going to go back to waitressing, I was making way more money there than I have at the doctors office. I probably should have stuck with the waitressing honestly because the full time job that paid me half as much for double the time isnt really worth it. When I'm certified, I will make more money but for now I'll stick to my waitessing, thank you very much. OMFG, I need out of my house. When my dad goes to sleep this evening, I'm slipping out, first time ever, and I'm going to go spend the evening at Erin Gardner's house, whether she's there or not. Its so much more homey than my house...I cant wait to go there.