> sUrVeY

Jun 13, 2005 01:26

--SERiES 0NE - (Y0U)--

Birth time: 10:20  pm

Last place you traveled: Glendale

Eye Color: Blue

Nail Color: French Manicured

Height: 5'4-5'5ish

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius


Your heritage: Irish, something else

The shoes you wore today: sneakers - pink n white KSWISS

Your hair:  its semi long, brown, some reddish blondish tints to it

Your weakness: josh

Your fears: rejection

Your perfect pizza: um regular pepperoni with extra cheese and some ranch dressing on the side to dip

One thing you'd like to achieve: To go to a really good college


Your most overused phrase on aim: for real?!

Your thoughts first waking up: Joshy <3

Your current worry: its 1 am I think josh fell asleep : /

Your plans tomorrow: um hang out with my cousins that are up visiting

Your best physical feature: I don’t know you guys tell me my hair or eyes?

Your greatest accomplishment: being stronger than strong


Sunrise or sunset: Sunset

Gore or horror: Horror

Eastsiiiide or wessssside: im in the middddddle

Stripes or polka dots: def. polka dots

Money or fame: money! duhH

Planes or trains: planes never been on one

Boxers or briefs: Boxers

Your life is: unreal but I can handle it

Pools or hot tubs: BOTH


Cuss: Hell Yeah

Do you think you've been in love? : I am right now.

Want to get married: oh yeah

Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yeah most of the time

Like to take baths: yeah not all that often showers are better

Get motion sickness: nope haven’t yet

Like talking on the phone: one of my favoritest things

Like thunderstorms: love them and the rain

Play an instrument: I use to play the violen

Workout: um used to run and walk

Like reading: yeah certain stuff


Kind of fruit:  strawberries are my favorite (:

Music to fall asleep to: something slow or water or guitar

Time of the day: lateee nite

Feature in the opposite sex: eyes teeth and personality best

Car: ohh man mustangs and Porsches

Number: 3

Thing to do right before bed: think a lot

Thing to say when you're mad: fuckin a

Horror movie: the ring?

Colors: Orange, pink, blue, red


Age you hope to be married: um 23

Numbers & Names of Children: none but if any 1 or 2 names I don’t know quite yet …

Describe your Dream Wedding: on the beach with just me him and close friends and family some where so pretty that it will take everyone’s breath away including ours (; <333

How do you want to die: not alone

Where you want to go to college: I don’t know yet

What do you want to be when you grow up: I have been leaning toward a teacher

What country would you most like to visit: Australia
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