(no subject)

Apr 01, 2009 02:00

Maybe this time I'll even remember to update it before the end of the month!


It's rude to stare (Nene)
Oh great, a loud, motorcycle-loving idiot. (Torako)
Tea! (Iroh, Zuko)
Sneezed on by a pig :( (... Rappig?)
No nude hiking (Switzerland)


Explaining computers (Zhores)
Target practice (Kino)
Ninja'd by Japan (Japan)


New counselor has a weird job (Dokugakuji)
Ninja lessons! (Kumohira)
Lost memories? (Ken)
Lost in translation (Zee)
A chat with a codfish (Akihiko)


Totally not hiding anything (Maya, Lithuania)
Serious hair discussion (Mikage, Keiichi)
Camp doesn't have a spa (Hikaru, Kaoru)
Exciting upcoming events (Axel)


Not quite April-fooled (Peony)
A wild Raidou appears! (Raidou)


Get off the roof (Usopp SOGEKING)
A bar staffed by lolis? (Marlene, Chii)
Fellow failcop detected (Serizawa)
You shouldn't ask people who they want to kill (Caeru)
Moogles on strike (Adachi)
Obtained Paper Armband (+5 to all stats)! Also, got pinged in the family issues. (Nanako)
Easter eggs (Toboe)
In which Tatsuya deages and asks the worst possible questions (Tatsuya, Maya)
Suspicious potions ( Tatsuya, Lezard)
Family Issues Counselling ( Serizawa, Amparo)
Ugly cake (Max, Dante)
Boyfriend applications (Rikku)
Kittens ♥ (Gwendal)
Awkward pool party (Maya, Lithuania)
Horrible, horrible doujinshi (Tatsuya)
Computers are helpful (Axel)

Most played: GEE I WONDER
Least played: Well, Narumi had the fewest threads, but he got a good 50+ comments out of that one with Raidou, so idk.

April is now officially known as "Everyone-Gets-Ignored-In-Favor-Of-Katsuya Month." Balance, I cannot has it.


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