Happy Earth Day

Apr 22, 2007 09:58

Another weekend almost come and gone.  Friday, I didn't do a darn thing - I was unproductive at work and unproductive at home.  I think I eventually fell asleep on the writing room floor around 10pm.  I got up a little bit later and put my sore body in bed.  Saturday was 1000x better as it was my man's birthday!  I spent the afternoon running some errands - last minute things for his celebration - and then got ready to go to dinner with him around 4pm.  We ended up eating at our fav Chinese spot which was delicious as usual.

After that, we went to campus for some readings by the soon-to-graduate 3rd year students.  Two poets read and two fiction writers.  I'm sure the poetry was great, but I didn't get it.  Probably didn't help that we were way in the back and the microphone didn't project like it should've.  But I strained to listened and ... well, I'm sure it was good, but it didn't touch me as much as the short stories.  The stories were the bomb.  So good.  Made me want to write.  But my writing is like my drawing - it's good.  Better than the average person.  But it needs work...lots of work to be great.  But I can't imagine taking a break from my awesome life of working every day to spend time getting better at it.  Notice the sarcasm?  Seriously, I don't know why I'm so into working.  Some days I really hate it...but I can't imagine not working.

I got my star chart the other day and it said people born on 9/17 at 7am rarely have money problems.  Like, money just isn't something I have to worry about.  And it's true...even when I was doing AmeriCorps, I never really felt broke.  Somehow I just always managed.  And now I feel that way times 10...I'm responsible with my money, so I feel comfortable spending on something if I really want it.  But if I were to stop - to sit at home and think about what my raison d'etre is...I might not get that weekly paycheck and that's @#$(*( scary.  But how gross - that money would dictate my life.

Anyway, my latest obsessions have been...

1.  This Alberto Gonzales case.  Seriously, how does he not remember anything?!!?  One Senator said he was startled that over the course of the hearing, Gonzales said "I do not recall" over 100 times!   Hahah - what a moron!  Anyway, I don't know why I've been watching this so much, but it's ridiculous.  He's a loser.

2.  VT murders.  I watched and read everything I could about that until the other night when I had a dream that I was back in Central and there was a shooter.  I didn't dream about getting shot, but I did become a ghost.  Very bizarre.  Since then, I haven't watched as much of the coverage.  I think the biggest lesson out of all of this is that...society is falling apart.  There are so many people...adults, kids, teenagers....that feel alone.  And though other people know there's a problem, few people are willing to help.  My mom once commented that the biggest difference between now and generations ago is our mobility.  Like, my grandparents - as messed up as their families were - they were all still in the same town and could identify with each other.   Nowadays, I live in Indiana, my brother is in Germany, my mom is in Pennsylvania, and my dad is in Afghanistan.  None of us has family around or any visible connection to the community.  It's an isolating feeling.

3. Amy Winehouse.  I know it's bad, but she makes me want to be a drunk.

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