I just had another credit to my name.
Proofreader, for this bit of work.
Not even out a week yet, and I'm already being attacked, personally, for it. If it was stuff I missed when I was doing what I was supposed to do, I could understand it, but it wasn't. It is something else that I didn't consider part of my responsibility. I caught what I did, and am proud that I helped make a product that will at least not have, "Was this even proofread? With all the grammatical and spelling errors?"
But, of course, it doesn't matter. If you're a part of the community and admit you're part of it, you instantly become part of the problem. I'm part of the "money-grubbing, poor quality, uncaring corporation" that is "ruining everything". A rather broad brush to stroke with, especially considering the fact that I'm a freelancer and it isn't even that big a company to begin with!
Yeah, Yeah, I know. Trolls and Fanatics. Still hurts.
And I can't leave. If I did, all I would do all day is stare at the walls and try to cry. And fail at both.