(no subject)

Jan 23, 2012 20:28

Holy Hannah, what is happening in Quebec?! The ADQ and CAQ are merging, Gilles Duceppe has officially counted himself out of the PQ leadership race to replace Marois (although this would not be the first time M. Duceppe has changed his mind on such matters), and the polls seem to indicate that not only is Quebec willing to embrace a left-wing federal party and a right-wing provincial party without a trace of irony or consternation, but that it is the same voters in the same parts of the province who so gladly split their loyalties. (The anglophones and the suburbanites aren't really budging: it's francophones, rural voters and urbanites who are bouncing all over the place.) These new developments will throw the polls through a wobbly (merging with the ADQ will give form to the CAQ, who previously had a sort of all-things-to-all-people vibe going on) and good lord, what is going on?

I put it to you, ladies and gentlemen, that the entire province of Quebec is a performance art project. It's the only explanation which fits all the data.
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