Preston Manning has apparently discovered that, while Canadians may seem middle-of-the-road, they're actually, secretly, incredibly conservative. Writing in the
Globe and Mail today, Manning cited the results from a poll, paid for by the Manning Centre for Democracy, that found that sixty-seven percent of Canadians believe "Marriage, by definition, is between a man and a woman", and that Canadians believe "Abortion is morally wrong" by an almost two-to-one margin. If true, this would represent a pretty staggering, and completely silent, realignment of Canadian public opinion, putting us on the far side of even America on these issues.
You know. If true.
ETA: The Manning Centre
report, with thanks to
siobhan63. Looking at the Manning Centre's presentation, quite a lot of headscratchers emerge, including;
- relying on family in the event of an emergency is a specifically conservative value
- government protection of Canadian property rights is a specifically conservative value
- believing that the future will be better than the past was is a specifically conservative value
Apparently, common sense is itself specifically and exclusively conservative. Who knew?