Yeah I'm going to harp on about this, because I think it's relevant to Liberal leadership.
Dion is missing. This is the
last known video of Monsieur Dion as he exits the bldg. CTV has become the post-election battleground for the Liberals.
Dion seems to have (mis)placed some anger with CTV. He clearly takes no responsibility for his own blotched interview. No matter if it was a language barrier issue, fatigue, confusion ith his own policies, whatever... it was Dion who screwed up.
The CTV-Halifax crew may have promised not to air it, but it was an editorial decision, not the interviewer Steve Murphy's.
Now if you watch Dion's post-CTV interview with CBC's Heather Hiscox it's very telling. Dion asks Hiscox, "Have you ever restarted an interview" and Heather replies "Three times."
(There's a Quicktime/Real video link if you care) Now Heather has done quite a few interviews in her career so when she's done 3 redo's or restarts in her career it would seem like this is a rather rare occasion.
Not that rarity is exceptional. Chretien, Bush, Palin, any number of politicians probably should have had a redo for embarrassing gaffs that have come out of their mouth.
Nevertheless, Dion said he didn't believe the incident would hurt his campaign. Did it? See, this is the issue when push comes to shove. The Liberals were already trailing behind the Conservatives in the polls. The interview may have reassured some of the public's voting choice, but the future was already cast.
CTV's Mike Duffy Live interviewed Toronto Liberal MP Jim Volpe. Volpe doesn't seem to harbour any resentment for CTV. To me, Dion is not the kind of control freak to instruct his people to not do interviews with CTV. Or maybe he doesn't weld that kind of power in his party.
Volpe said it best, "Sometime in the next four years we're going to go into an election and now is the time for the party to do some rebuilding. Clearly, it appears that nobody's going to give him the chance to do that rebuilding and I'd like him to go out with some dignity..."
Dion's advisor
Bryon Wilfert was also on CTV's Mike Duffy Live, saying Dion deserves a second chance and Volpe ought to keep his opinions to himself.
Dion still has some supporters and there are some who remain loyal to him. But such loyalty is not unanimous. Dion cannot blame this division on an embarrassing 9minutes of out-takes on CTV. Dion needs to take responsibility for his own shortcomings that was apparent to all months ago. The interview just put a spotlight on it.