a minor's view on current major parties

Oct 04, 2008 22:37

ok, so here i am, a minor, not able to vote, but still full of passion from the debate. but i decided to put my views on my facebook and livejournal page, to at least make some sort of difference, so here we go!

in my opinion, the green, if it were possible, would be the best party to be elected. most people think that they are a party based on just environment. This thought should have been overthrown to anyone who actually watched the debate, which the party leader i must say preformed the best. she stuck to facts, didn't put insults based on personalities of leaders, and uprooted problems based on how credible other parties were.

Liberals, as green isn't the most likely although every vote counts, is the best party as opposition to the conservatives, which i believe to be the worst possible party to vote for, but i'll get to them soon. liberals put theyre views out there, and were very good in the way that they supported greener ways of life, the carbon tax, which most people cringe at, is the best thing that could ever happen. instead of taxing little things everyone needs, they cut those taxes, and tax carbon, which will help increase taxes for big corporations, instead of leaving them to become richer, and the rest of the people to suffer unable to pay taxes.

NDP Didn't voice they're views as well as i think they should have, but are still better than conservatives. they intend on helping the little people, improving environment, and aiding the older and the younger people.

The Block Quebecois was surprisingly not speaking at all of separation. They spoke of they're views on different topics, and even though most people think they're just an opposition party (they pretty much are) if you believe in they're views, and live in quebec, they're a valid vote, although not as good in my opinion as liberals or green in views. the reason why they're valuable, is that even though they can't have complete control, they can still act as an opinion in parliament, and can sway votes in the direction of they're views, because every seat counts. so if you agree with they're policies, by all means vote for them

now onto Conservatives, the worst government that could happen to canada in my opinion. although they kept most of they're policies secret and stuck to insulting the other candidates policies, which were sound and the insults were unfounded. (ironic, since after the debate in press period, harper said that he was surprised at the amount of insults directed to him, and how nobody stuck to saying where they stand politically). above the fact that much of the time he contradicted himself, the policies he stated were unsafe, and kind of insane...
he wants judges to be able to send children to jail, because of high crime rates. this is extremely stupid, because
A) sending children to jail with real older criminals who are much harder and more violent, will only teach them how to be badder and meaner when they get out of prison.
B) children are highly impressionable, so finding other ways to correct they're behavior beyond sticking them in already overcrowded prisons, where they're getting low on space already would be a good way to go about it.

Anyways, thats my view on the political debate, and how voting should turn out in an ideal society, too bad I'm under 18 and can't voice my opinion via ballot, but here's the information for those of my friends that want it, and didn't pay attention. if possible, people who read this, please forward (copy paste) it to anyone who might possibly be swayed, is an adult, or someone else you want to see it.
much appreciated :)

opinion, federal election

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