Dec 24, 2005 04:09
directly from my gayspace:
i was sitting up late the other night (as usual) and i had a few things on my mind that were bugging the hell out of me (as usual)... there really are alot of things that i dont know about some of the closest people to me... nobody ever tells me anything, which i think is pretty shitty... expecially when i find them out on my own... and then there are other things that i just dont know about people simply because i've never had the time to get to know them... i normally never do things like this, but i feel the need to right now because im super gay like that: If there is anything that you have ever wanted to tell me (or didn't want to tell me, but think i should know anyways) then go ahead and do it... i dont care if you post it here, send me a private message, call my phone, talk to me in person, whatever floats your boat... as a matter of fact, im going to copy and paste this in my livejournal (which i haven't used in forever) so that you can even reply anonymously if you'd like... my purpose in this is not to play a stupid game, i just think that its important for people to communicate what is on their minds sometimes... maybe i just opening a can of worms here but what can i say, im really bored and curious to the responses i may get...