Oct 11, 2004 10:26
Captains Log -- 11:41 on the Eighth of October
Ahoy! we are but a moment from departing on this noble vessel to the land of Syracuse. This vessel, however, has a frightened and weak crew, and shall only bring me to the town of Pottsville, from whence I must meet with the ends I have prepared to complete the voyage.
This is my first voyage alone to any far off land and, while I know my previous crews believe me to be a wise, brave, and decisive captain, it shall truly be a challenge to survive this alone. However, I am glad that it will be I alone who faces the danger of these seas and foreign lands, for I would never want to endanger my crew on such a dangerous adventure as this.
Captains Log -- 11:48 on the Eighth of October
And we are off! Alas the seas today are as blue as a huskies eyes. The adventure to see my beloved mother and her future husband, along with the good Doctor Galli, is underway. The mates on this vessel truly are a rag-tag crew, and they indeed pale in comparison to my former crews. I have received word that my close ally, cap'n Matt Melcher of the U.S.S. Pimpin' will be making a similar journey net weekend. I pray the gods are merciful on us all who are brave enough to undertake such tasks in the name of what is right.
Captains Log -- 12:52 on the Eighth of October
Avast!I have arrived at the port in Pottsville, and shall soon depart for the reaches of the Young York, the land of Syracuse! The mates going as far as I appear to be almost starved and could turn mutinous at any point. I am prepared at a moments notice to bayonette the lot of them. It will be a cold day in hell before I let these scum feast on my flesh. It apears departure is iminent. . . Onward, to Destiny!
Captains Log -- 1:16 on the Eighth of October
I have learned the fellow in front of me has the samedestination as I do. Should the seemingly impending mutiny take place, he will be the first thrown to these foul villains. His hair and stature reminds me of Sir Clayton Beiberfelds, and so I do believe Icould throw him and his presumably weak lungs behind as I make my escape.
Captains Log -- 1:30 on the Eighth of October
Famine! It appears these mates grow forever hungrier, and while I have but a bit of substinence left, I shall not forgeit it to these beasts! My stock of Granola shall stay out of their greasy palms and decaying mouths. I hope I survive the oncoming hours.
Captains Log -- 1:51 on the Eighth of October
The people of this wretched craft seem to be calming down. I do believe scurvy has stricken the rear and the rest of the lot are silenced with fear. I can't see much good in all of them surviving the bout though, they may only become a nuisance again.
Captains Log -- 2:18 on the Eighth of October
Here in this odd place known as Wilkes-Barre, we have lost many of the mutinous looking ones, though the ones with their hair improper colors, and jagged metal have remained. I can only hope they do not rile those folk as well!
Captains Log -- 2:25 on the Eighth of October
OH SWEET BLASPHEMY! Supporters of the wretched New York Yankees run rampant! I could not be more pleased to depart Wilkes-Barre, for I hope to never encounter such men again! Those who embrace men such as The Vile Derek Jeter, the despicable Alex Rodrigez, and the rest of that despisable squad are not men at all, but cowardly enemies of The Nation! May they be smote by this eve!
Captains Log -- 2:50 on the Eighth of October
Bless me lucky stars! 'Ere in Scranton many of the remaining unfavorables have left. Metal no longer shoots from the bodies of our voyagers, however the number of wretched Yankees fans has not diminished. These types seem less mutinous, but nearly as vile, for I have no need to associate with those who do not cherish my beloved Red Sox.
Captains Log -- 3:07 on the Eighth of October
Ah, my crew from Ye Olde College have called to see how Ifair and to talketh some smacketh on the vile roomate of mine. Their hatred for him can only be related to mine for the bloody Yankees, however I say curses upon them both! Back at Homeport, my chaps are dining on delicious substinance and considering filling their bellies on Clam Chowder from the New England coast. Oh how my jealousy rages with a pulse of it's own. We are soon to leave harbor here at Scranton. May the voyage be smooth as we venture through the heart of Yankee Territory.
Captains Log -- 4:22 on the Eighth of October
We have finally toped ni a city known as Bimingham. Ruffians look to retake the vessel. As we were departing from the last stop, an older wench leaped on board and proceded to sit next to me, despite approximately half of the seats being empty. Dumbfounded by her brigandry, I was lulled into letting her stay. Should such a thing happen again, there shall be blood everywhere and all brigands will fear!
Captains Log -- 4:31 on the Eighth of October
This entry is about the navigation of the vessel and will not make sense without the handrawn maps found in the actual log, and so it has been excluded from being included online.
Captains Log -- 5:02 on the Eighth of October
We are aout forty leagues from Syracuse at this time. Approximate arrival was 6:00 on the outset. Hopefully it stays the same. The gentleman now in front of me speaks some sort of foreign language. Africanese, If you will, on his phonograph. It's amazing. The Yankees still suck.
Captains Log -- 5:33 on the Eighth of October
We're closing in on our destination at last. And now behind me are former crack addicts/heroin addicts telling stories. Very disturbing. Jessica should have gone to say Penn State Berks, and made this easier. Damn you, mother!
Captains Log -- 6:00 on the Eighth of October
Oh Sweet land, how grand it feels! We've reached Syracuse at last!
Captains Log -- 8:52 on the Tenth of October
I have arrived at the port from which I will return home. It has been a glorious weekend. I spent the majority of yesterday with the Good Leone, my beloved mother, and the fair lady who signed the previous page (Luciana). She is an angel, however brainwashed, and as amazing as she was brainwashed.
As it unfolded, however, it was the four of us going to some sort of collection of merchants, a "mall" as they call it. We walked about and ended up attempting to leave, after not finding much of interest. However, when we tried to leave, we were not picked up when expected, and in fact, waited more than an hour. Then when we were, the transportation malfunctioned and we simply walked the miles upon miles back. During this time, the fair Luciana and I decided to be wed, and so I will remain chaste for at least the next four years. Oh what a glorious day our wedding will be. Alas it is time to depart for home. I must board ship.
Captains Log -- 9:30 on the Tenth of October
Alas we are off! This crew appears to be solid and hardy, and I am glad to have all of those who are not Yankees fans present. Ah. The fair Luciana's greatest downfall; her love for the detested Yankees. Oh what shame would be brought to my family's name. Even more than her love of the detestable Bush family. Ah well, she is but a flawed angel.
I shall be on this Vessel until about 2:25, which is about four and a half hours. I can only pray I nod off and those fellows on this ship stay on course. The sea up here is of odd colors that vary intensely. From as green as a 18 year old marine, to as red as a delicious strawberry.
Captains Log -- 11:21 on the Tenth of October
I have been trying to sleep since about 9:40 to no avail. The ship had hit traffic out on the seas, and we are now over thirty minutes behind. I'm not worried about making it to the por at which I must change ships though. It seams anywhere I travel anymore there is someone who wants to debate politics or express their opinion. As political as I am, I've managed to stay out of it all recently. Along those lines, Ive realized I find more conservative girls intriguing, and most more conservative guys simpletons or just ignorant. I guess I almost want the way the demographics appear to change. It's just that, for example, I rarely find a caucasian man who is a liberal who doesn ot know what he's talking about. On the same grounds though, You almost never (Alan Keyes excepted with almost) find a black conservative who is clueless as to whats going on.
Ah well we seem to be blocked by ships again. I shall again try to nap.
Captains Log -- 3:05 on the Tenth of October
So now I'm in the vile town of Sodom. . . ahem I mean Pottsville. I've lost my pen, and so I've decided to pull out the lap top and write an update to the log on here.
I'm at the docks now, hoping to change ships within ten minutes. I'm partially regretting not spending today up there too, but I really
shouldn't miss the math test I have tomorrow. The trip home, so far, has been so long. Traffic has been out of control. We were so far behind by the time we got to
one town that so that the people could get to NYC, they had to jump off before we parked, grab their bags, and chase another ship. Insane. I can't ever sleep anymore
and I never sleep well. It's so miserable. I'm starting to feel like I can't remember what it's like to be completely rested.
Anyway I guess I have time for a bit of reflection. . . I think recently the reason I've been feeling so distant from so many people is because
it probably bothers me a little to see so many people who seem to fall for each other so easily and I have such trouble. Although I spent only a little bit of time with Luciana, it kind of helped a little in that respect.
Honestly I just thought she was a sweetheart & wouldn't ever think of anything more, since I'm sure thats how this is being interpreted by some of you. But it's just invigorating to find someone who thinks the same of the way society
has changed & all, & while it's not all for the worse or the better, It's just like I kind of wish I lived in a time where like being abstinent and waiting to actually be in love with someone meant something to more people.
theres so much more to say, & so much missed out, but with my pen having disappeared I didn't get to, & now I have to get ready for class. Comment on it all & if I should post other captains logs.