Good luck to everyone who is enduring the HSC at the momment.
How was English?
And now onto far more pressing matters. Annoying internet meme's courtesy of Mr. J.D.Barrow
1. Cigarettes: Trying to be clint eastwood. Summer holidays.
2. Sex: BAM!
3. Relationships: good when they work out
4. Your last ex: a lifetime ago
5. Power Rangers: the white one! or the bad guys. man I love the idea of being an evil overlord
6. Crack: sniffsniff
7. Food: wedges
8. The President: [something witty]
9. War: the chaser
10. Cars: ovlov
11. Gas prices: apathy
12. Halloween: apathy
13. Bon Jovi: what the hell is with his fashion sense?
14. Religion: Universal Life Church, the church Im an ordained minister for
15. MySpace: shallow
16. Worst fear: failing
17. Marriage: *shrugs*
18. Fashion: hot. (or how I learnt to waste all my money on superficial items)
19. Brunettes: hot.
20. Redheads: significantly less hot
21: Work: = a good case of rectal bleeding
22: Pass the time: year 12
23. One night stand: shallow
24: Cell phone: SNAPED IN HALF!
25: Pet peeves: its mere existance
26: Pixie Stix: you said what?
27: Vanilla ice cream: home alone
28: Porta potties: disgusting
29: High school: different universe to the one Im in now
30: Chocolate: the train in the morning
31: Pajamas: old peter alexanders
32. Wood: home
33. Surfers: people I hate yet secretly envy
34. Pictures: fotki
35. First true love: probably best not to say. it wasn't true anywho
36. Hair: needs cutting
37. Babies: SHUT UP!
38. Corvette: ugly. no one likes a car thats that yuck
39. CD: what are they?
40. Women: comfortable
41. Men: awkward
43. Jewelry: watch
44. Piercings: weird, with sexual overtones
45. Oil: anxiety
46. I Love You: comforting yet confusing
47. Football: AFL grand final
48. Basketball: Converse
49. Baths: tori amos
50. True Love: nice idea