I was so excited to watch the Emmys last night. Mainly, I wanted to see Jon Stewart and/or Stephen Colbert win something. And root for Boston Legal.
Jon won for TDS, which was awesome, but they both lost out on directing, writing and then the host category to -- yep, Tony Bennett. *lol* I can't wait to watch their shows tonight; Stephen will be all OVER that. And Tony Bennett will be on the show, mark my words. Not that it's a hard call or anything, unless he's not a good sport, like Barry Manilow was.
Btw: I love that when they announce the nominees for Outstanding Writing in a C/V/M series, they do something funny: All the writers got to 'punch' Colbert, Letterman gave us funny Bush mishaps, Conan loaded his truck with the 'writers,' and Alberto Gonzales just couldn't remember the names of TDS writers. *SNORT* They should do that with other categories, too.
The little bit with Jon and Stephen, btw, was hilarious. And after announcing that Ricky Gervais had won but wasn't there, and they "gave" it to Steve Carrell, who ran up onstage and they group-hugged and then ran off like squee-ing fangirls...priceless. What a good sport Carrell was.
And yes, I was hoping that Ricky Gervais won for Outstanding Writing on the Extras episode featuring DanRad, but alas, twas not to be.
I was sad that Shatner didn't win, but I do like Lost and I've liked Terry O'Quinn since Alias, so that was okay. I was hoping that Bailey would win for Grey's, but I don't mind Izzy winning. Loved when she corrected the announcer, too, about her last name. And how cute was Bailey blowing kisses to her when Katherine Heigl mentioned her and Sandra Oh?
I love upsets, so when 30 Rock won, even though I've never watched the show, I was happy for them, because I've heard such great things.
And they saved the best (and biggest upset, imo) for (nearly the) last: When they got to Lead Dramatic Actor, I was crossing fingers and praying, but I didn't think Spader was going to win. Now, I love him and the way he plays Alan Shore, and Boston Legal is fantastically funny and hits home always, but I knew that all the nominees would be tough to beat -- especially Mr. Gandolfini from The Sopranos, last season, supposed to sweep, blah, blah, blah.
So yes, I screamed and clapped and cheered to an empty house when they said James Spader. YAY!!! He is SO good on that show. I was so thrilled.
Sidenote: It always intrigues me that Boston Legal and Co. are nominated in the Dramatic catagories. It seems to me that it's mainly funny, but packs a wallop when it does go serious. Kind of the opposite of how I see Grey's -- mainly serious but with hilarious bits thrown in. And seriously, Shatner as a Supporting Dramatic Actor? I love him, too, but that just doesn't seem quite right.
The guy that's going to play Slughorn won an Emmy, too, so I got to see who he was.
Oh, and the Rainn Wilson/Kanye West thing was funny, too. It seems that either Kanye West can take a joke and laugh at himself ("I never win anything," he told Rainn and Wayne after 'messing up' the lyrics to his own song), or he was just in a good mood when they asked. At any rate, it was amusing.
Please, ABC, put Whose Line? back on! I miss Wayne!
School: was long, because in addition to a staff meeting, we had a teacher workday after. Year-round schools in our district don't have normal teacher workdays -- we have them on two days after school, 3:30 to 7, to take the place of one day. Today was spent browsing the Internet for educational video websites. *lol* Easiest money ever.