Jan 08, 2007 20:50
It’s been a while since I posted, and one of my goals for this year is to help this community become more active and useful for all of you who joined it. To that end, I have some ideas, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on them.
1) Would it be useful to start reading tie-in novels as a community? What would you think about having a book or books of the month that we’d all read and then discuss? We could have a poll to select the book or books, and then set a reasonable amount of time to finish the book. At the end of that timeframe, there could be a post to discuss and review the book.
2) Would you all be interested in news and current events from the tie-in novel community? This community could also be useful for sharing updates about books that are being published, writers that are making news, and events of that nature?
3) Is there any interest in discussing the nature of tie-in novels specifically, and publishing in general?
4) What are your thoughts and ideas for the community? What would you like to see and discuss?
community discussion