This post contains information and book titles for Doctor Who, grouped by series and sorted alphabetically. Click any linked title for a review of that book. If you are aware of a book that is not listed here, please comment with that book's title and author. If you'd like to review a book, please comment and specify the book by title and author. Several people may post a review for a single book, there are no limits in that regard. Happy reading!
Synopsis: Doctor Who is a long-running British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC about a mysterious time-travelling adventurer known only as "The Doctor". It is also the title of a 1996 television movie featuring the same character. It is common to see the show's title abbreviated as Dr. Who, even by the BBC, although purists consider this form incorrect.
The programme is a significant part of British popular culture, widely recognised for its creative storytelling and use of innovative music (originally produced by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop). It is also known for its innovative use of low-budget special effects for most of its history.
Wikipedia Plot Summary: The Doctor is a mysterious time traveller from a distant planet. He travels through time and space in the TARDIS, (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) The TARDIS is disguised as a 1960's London Police Box which is larger on the inside than on the outside. His adventures take him through time and space to other planets and galaxies and any period of time within the history of these Planets and galaxies. He has a fondness for Earth and it's inhabitants and has visited there many times at various stages in it's history. His main aim is to fight evil and oppression whereever he finds it. He is usually aided and sometimes hindered in this quest by one or two traveling companions he picks up at various points in his adventures. His greates foes have been the Daleks, the Cybermen and an evil opposite from his own race called the Master.
Summary written by Steve Lynch, found at
Tie-in Novels for Doctor Who
Doctor Who Library
- An Unearthly Child by Terrance Dicks
- Arc of Infinity by Terrance Dicks
- Attack of the Cybermen by Eric Saward
- Battlefield by Marc Platt
- Black Orchid by Terence Dudley
- Carnival of Monsters by Terrance Dicks
- Castrovalva by Christopher H. Bidmead
- Day of the Daleks by Terrance Dicks
- Death to The Daleks by Terrance Dicks
- Delta and the Bannermen by Malcolm Kohll
- Destiny of the Daleks by Terrance Dicks
- Dragonfire by Ian Briggs
- Earthshock by Ian Marter
- Enlightenment by Barbara Clegg
- Four to Doomsday by Terrance Dicks
- Frontios by Christopher H. Bidmead
- Full Circle by Andrew Smith
- Fury From The Deep by Victor Pemberton
- Galaxy Four by William Emms
- Genesis of the Daleks by Terrance Dicks
- Ghost Light by Marc Platt
- Horror of Fang Rock by Terrance Dicks
- Image of the Fendahl by Terrance Dicks
- Inferno by Terrance Dicks
- Kinda by Terrance Dicks
- Logopolis by Christopher H. Bidmead
- Marco Polo by John Lucarotti
- Mawdryn Undead by Peter Grimwade
- Meglos by Terrance Dicks
- Mindwarp by Philip Martin
- Mission to The Unknown by John Peel
- Nightmare of Eden by Terrance Dicks
- Paradise Towers by Stephen Wyatt
- Planet of Evil by Terrance Dicks
- Planet of Fire by Peter Grimwade
- Planet of Giants by Terrance Dicks
- Planet of the Daleks by Terrance Dicks
- Pyramids of Mars by Terrance Dicks
- Remembrance of the Daleks by Ben Aaronovitch
- Revenge of the Cybermen by Terrance Dicks
- Silver Nemesis by Kevin Clarke
- Snakedance by Terrance Dicks
- State of Decay by Terrance Dicks
- Survival by Rona Munro
- Terminus by John Lydecker
- Terror of the Autons by Terrance Dicks
- Terror of the Vervoids by Pip and Jane Baker
- The Abominable Snowmen by Terrance Dicks
- The Ambassadors of Death by Terrance Dicks
- The Android Invasion by Terrance Dicks
- The Androids of Tara by Terrance Dicks
- The Ark by Paul Erickson
- The Ark in Space by Ian Marter
- The Armageddon Factor by Terrance Dicks
- The Auton Invasion by Terrance Dicks
- The Awakening by Eric Pringle
- The Aztecs by John Lucarotti
- The Brain of Morbius by Terrance Dicks
- The Cave Monsters by Malcolm Hulke
- The Caves of Androzani by Terrance Dicks
- The Celestial Toymaker by Gerry Davis and Allison Bingeman
- The Chase by John Peel
- The Claws of Axos by Terrance Dicks
- The Creature from the Pit by David Fisher
- The Crusaders by David Whitaker
- The Curse of Fenric by Ian Briggs
- The Curse of Peladon by Brian Hayles
- The Cybermen by Gerry Davis
- The Dæmons by Barry Letts
- The Dalek Invasion of Earth by Terrance Dicks
- The Daleks by David Whitaker
- The Deadly Assassin by Terrance Dicks
- The Dinosaur Invasion by Malcolm Hulke
- The Dominators by Ian Marter
- The Doomsday Weapon by Malcolm Hulke
- The Edge of Destruction by Nigel Robinson
- The Enemy of the World by Ian Marter
- The Evil of the Daleks by John Peel
- The Face of Evil by Terrance Dicks
- The Faceless Ones by Terrance Dicks
- The Five Doctors by Terrance Dicks
- The Giant Robot by Terrance Dicks
- The Greatest Show in the Galaxy by Stephen Wyatt
- The Green Death by Malcolm Hulke
- The Gunfighters by Donald Cotton
- The Hand of Fear by Terrance Dicks
- The Happiness Patrol by Graeme Curry
- The Highlanders by Gerry Davis
- The Horns of Nimon by Terrance Dicks
- The Ice Warriors by Brian Hayles
- The Invasion by Ian Marter
- The Invasion of Time by Terrance Dicks
- The Invisible Enemy by Terrance Dicks
- The Keeper of Traken by Terrance Dicks
- The Keys of Marinus by Philip Hinchcliffe
- The King's Demons by Terence Dudley
- The Krotons by Terrance Dicks
- The Leisure Hive by David Fisher
- The Loch Ness Monster by Terrance Dicks
- The Macra Terror by Ian Stuart Black
- The Mark of the Rani by Pip and Jane Baker
- The Masque of Mandragora by Philip Hinchcliffe
- The Massacre by John Lucarotti
- The Mind of Evil by Terrance Dicks
- The Mind Robber by Peter Ling
- The Monster of Peladon by Terrance Dicks
- The Mutants by Terrance Dicks
- The Mutation of Time by John Peel
- The Mysterious Planet by Terrance Dicks
- The Myth Makers by Donald Cotton
- The Paradise of Death by Barry Letts
- The Pescatons by Victor Pemberton
- The Planet of the Spiders by Terrance Dicks
- The Power of Kroll by Terrance Dicks
- The Power of the Daleks by John Peel
- The Reign of Terror by Ian Marter
- The Rescue by Ian Marter
- The Ribos Operation by Ian Marter
- The Robots of Death by Ian Marter
- The Romans by Donald Cotton
- The Savages by Ian Stuart Black
- The Sea Devils by Malcolm Hulke
- The Seeds of Death by Terrance Dicks
- The Seeds of Doom by Philip Hinchcliffe
- The Sensorites by Nigel Robinson
- The Smugglers by Terrance Dicks
- The Sontaran Experiment by Ian Marter
- The Space Museum by Glyn Jones
- The Space Pirates by Terrance Dicks
- The Space War by Malcolm Hulke
- The Stones of Blood by Terrance Dicks
- The Sunmakers by Terrance Dicks
- The Talons of Weng Chiang by Terrance Dicks
- The Tenth Planet by Gerry Davis
- The Three Doctors by Terrance Dicks
- The Time Meddler by Nigel Robinson
- The Time Monster by Terrance Dicks
- The Time Warrior by Terrance Dicks
- The Tomb of the Cybermen by Gerry Davis
- The Twin Dilemma by Eric Saward
- The Two Doctors by Robert Holmes
- The Ultimate Foe by Pip and Jane Baker
- The Underwater Menace by Nigel Robinson
- The Visitation by Eric Saward
- The War Games by Malcolm Hulke
- The War Machines by Ian Stuart Black
- The Web of Fear by Terrance Dicks
- The Wheel in Space by Terrance Dicks
- The Zarbi by Bill Strutton
- Time and the Rani by Pip and Jane Baker
- Time Flight by Peter Grimwade
- Timelash by Glen McCoy
- Underworld by Terrance Dicks
- Vengeance on Varos by Philip Martin
- Warriors' Gate by John Lydecker
- Warriors of the Deep by Terrance Dicks
Doctor Who Novellas
- Blood and Hope by Iain McLaughlin
- Citadel of Dreams by Dave Stone
- Companion Piece by Mike Tucker and Robert Perry
- Eye of the Tyger by Paul McAuley
- Foreign Devils by Andrew Cartmel
- Frayed by Tara Samms
- Ghost Ship by Keith Topping
- Nightdreamers by Tom Harden
- Rip Tide by Louise Cooper
- Shell Shock by Simon A. Forward
- The Cabinet of Light by Daniel O'Mahony
- The Dalek Factor by Simon Clark
- The Fallen Gods by Jonathan Blum and Kate Orman
- Time and Relative by Kim Newman
- Wonderland by Mark Chadbourn
Eighth Doctor
- Alien Bodies by Lawrence Miles
- Anachrophobia by Jonathan Morris
- Autumn Mist by David A. McIntee
- Beltempest by Jim Mortimore
- Camera Obscura by Lloyd Rose
- Casualties of War by Steve Emmerson
- Coldheart by Trevor Baxendale
- Dark Progeny by Steve Emmerson
- Demontage by Justin Richards
- Doctor Who by Gary Russell
- Dominion by Nick Walters
- Domino Effect by David Bishop
- Dreamstone Moon by Paul Leonard
- Earthworld by Jacqueline Rayner
- Eater of Wasps by Trevor Baxendale
- Emotional Chemistry by Simon A. Forward
- Endgame by Terrance Dicks
- Escape Velocity by Colin Brake
- Father Time by Lance Parkin
- Frontier Worlds by Peter Anghelides
- Genocide by Paul Leonard
- Grimm Reality by Simon Bucher-Jones and Kelly Hale
- Halflife by Mark Michalowski
- History 101 by Mags L. Halliday
- Hope by Mark Clapham
- Infinity Race by Simon Messingham
- Interference (I) by Lawrence Miles
- Interference (II) by Lawrence Miles
- Kursaal by Peter Anghelides
- Last Resort by Paul Leonard
- Legacy of the Daleks by John Peel
- Longest Day by Michael Collier
- Mad Dogs and Englishmen by Paul Magrs
- Option Lock by Justin Richards
- Parallel 59 by Stephen Cole and Natalie Dallaire
- Placebo Effect by Gary Russell
- Reckless Engineering by Nick Walters
- Revolution Man by Paul Leonard
- Seeing I by Jonathan Blum and Kate Orman
- Sleep of Reason by Martin Day
- Sometime Never by Justin Richards
- The Adventuress of Henrietta Street by Lawrence Miles
- The Ancestor Cell by Stephen Cole and Peter Anghelides
- The Banquo Legacy by Andy Lane and Justin Richards
- The Blue Angel by Paul Magrs and Jeremy Hoad
- The Bodysnatchers by Mark Morris
- The Book of the Still by Paul Ebbs
- The Burning by Justin Richards
- The City of the Dead by Lloyd Rose
- The Crooked World by Steve Lyons
- The Deadstone Memorial by Trevor Baxendale
- The Eight Doctors by Terrance Dicks
- The Face-Eater by Simon Messingham
- The Fall of Yquatine by Nick Walters
- The Gallifrey Chronicles by Lance Parkin
- The Janus Conjunction by Trevor Baxendale
- The Scarlet Empress by Paul Magrs
- The Shadows of Avalon by Paul Cornell
- The Slow Empire by Dave Stone
- The Space Age by Steve Lyons
- The Taint by Michael Collier
- The Taking of Planet 5 by Simon Bucher-Jones and Mark Clapham
- The Tomorrow Windows by Jonathan Morris
- The Turing Test by Paul Leonard
- The Year of Intelligent Tigers by Kate Orman
- Time Zero by Justin Richards
- Timeless by Stephen Cole
- To the Slaughter by Stephen Cole
- Trading Futures by Lance Parkin
- Unnatural History by Jonathan Blum and Kate Orman
- Vampire Science by Jonathan Blum and Kate Orman
- Vanderdeken's Children by Christopher Bulis
- Vanishing Point by Stephen Cole
- War of the Daleks by John Peel
Missing Adventures
- A Device of Death by Christopher Bulis
- Burning Heart by Dave Stone
- Cold Fusion by Lance Parkin
- Dancing the Code by Paul Leonard
- Downtime by Marc Platt
- Evolution by John Peel
- Goth Opera by Paul Cornell
- Invasion of the Cat-People by Gary Russell
- Killing Ground by Steve Lyons
- Lords of the Storm by David A. McIntee
- Managra by Stephen Marley
- Millennial Rites by Craig Hinton
- Speed of Flight by Paul Leonard
- State of Change by Christopher Bulis
- System Shock by Justin Richards
- The Crystal Bucephalus by Craig Hinton
- The Dark Path by David A. McIntee
- The Empire of Glass by Andy Lane
- The English Way of Death by Gareth Roberts
- The Eye of the Giant by Christopher Bulis
- The Ghosts of N-Space by Barry Letts
- The Man in the Velvet Mask by Daniel O'Mahony
- The Menagerie by Martin Day
- The Plotters by Gareth Roberts
- The Romance of Crime by Gareth Roberts
- The Sands of Time by Justin Richards
- The Scales of Injustice by Gary Russell
- The Shadow of Weng-Chiang by David A. McIntee
- The Sorcerer's Apprentice by Christopher Bulis
- The Well-Mannered War by Gareth Roberts
- Time of Your Life by Steve Lyons
- Twilight of the Gods by Christopher Bulis
- Venusian Lullaby by Paul Leonard
- Who Killed Kennedy by James Stevens and David Bishop
New Adventures
- All-Consuming Fire by Andy Lane
- Bad Therapy by Matthew Jones
- Birthright by Nigel Robinson
- Blood Harvest by Terrance Dicks
- Blood Heat by Jim Mortimore
- Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible by Marc Platt
- Cat's Cradle: Warhead by Andrew Cartmel
- Cat's Cradle: Witch Mark by Andrew Hunt
- Christmas on a Rational Planet by Lawrence Miles
- Conundrum by Steve Lyons
- Damaged Goods by Russell T. Davies
- Death and Diplomacy by Dave Stone
- Deceit by Peter Darvill-Evans
- Eternity Weeps by Jim Mortimore
- Falls the Shadow by Daniel O'Mahony
- First Frontier by David A. McIntee
- GodEngine by Craig Hinton
- Happy Endings by Paul Cornell
- Head Games by Steve Lyons
- Human Nature by Paul Cornell
- Iceberg by David Banks
- Infinite Requiem by Daniel Blythe
- Just War by Lance Parkin
- Legacy by Gary Russell
- Love and War by Paul Cornell
- Lucifer Rising by Jim Mortimore and Andy Lane
- Lungbarrow by Marc Platt
- Nightshade by Mark Gatiss
- No Future by Paul Cornell
- Original Sin by Andy Lane
- Parasite by Jim Mortimore
- Return of the Living Dad by Kate Orman
- Sanctuary by David A. McIntee
- Set Piece by Kate Orman
- Shadowmind by Christopher Bulis
- Shakedown by Terrance Dicks
- Sky Pirates! by Dave Stone
- Sleepy by Kate Orman
- So Vile a Sin by Ben Aaronovitch and Kate Orman
- St Anthony's Fire by Mark Gatiss
- Strange England by Simon Messingham
- The Also People by Ben Aaronovitch
- The Death of Art by Simon Bucher-Jones
- The Dimension Riders by Daniel Blythe
- The Dying Days by Lance Parkin
- The Highest Science by Gareth Roberts
- The Left-Handed Hummingbird by Kate Orman
- The Pit by Neil Penswick
- The Room With No Doors by Kate Orman
- Theatre of War by Justin Richards
- Timewyrm: Apocalypse by Nigel Robinson
- Timewyrm: Exodus by Terrance Dicks
- Timewyrm: Genesys by John Peel
- Timewyrm: Revelation by Paul Cornell
- Toy Soldiers by Paul Leonard
- Tragedy Day by Gareth Roberts
- Transit by Ben Aaronovitch
- Warchild by Andrew Cartmel
- Warlock by Andrew Cartmel
- White Darkness by David A. McIntee
- Zamper by Gareth Roberts
New Series
- I Am a dalek by Gareth Roberts
- Only Human by Gareth Roberts
- The Clockwise Man by Justin Richards
- The Deviant Strain by Justin Richards
- The Feast of the Drowned by Stephen Cole
- The Monsters Inside by Stephen Cole
- The Resurection Casket by Justin Richards
- The Stealers of Dreams by Steve Lyons
- The Stone Rose by Jacqueline Rayner
- Winner Takes All by Jacqueline Rayner
Past Doctors
- Algebra of Ice by Lloyd Rose
- Amorality Tale by David Bishop
- Asylum by Peter Darvill-Evans
- Atom Bomb Blues by Andrew Cartmel
- Blue Box by Kate Orman
- Bullet Time by David A. McIntee
- Bunker Soldiers by Martin Day
- Business Unusual by Gary Russell
- Byzantium! by Keith Topping
- Catastrophea by Terrance Dicks
- City At World's End by Christopher Bulis
- Combat Rock by Mick Lewis
- Corpse Marker by Chris Boucher
- Deadly Reunion by Barry Letts and Terrance Dicks
- Deep Blue by Mark Morris
- Divided Loyalties by Gary Russell
- Dreams of Empire by Justin Richards
- Drift by Simon A. Forward
- Dying in the Sun by Jon de Burgh Miller
- Empire of Death by David Bishop
- Eye of Heaven by Jim Mortimore
- Fear Itself by Nick Wallace
- Fear of the Dark by Trevor Baxendale
- Festival of Death by Jonathan Morris
- Grave Matter by Justin Richards
- Heart of TARDIS by Dave Stone
- Heritage by Dave Cole
- Illegal Alien by Mike Tucker and Robert Perry
- Imperial Moon by Christopher Bulis
- Independence Day by Peter Darvill-Evans
- Instruments of Darkness by Gary Russell
- Island of Death by Barry Letts
- King of Terror by Keith Topping
- Last Man Running by Chris Boucher
- Last of the Gaderene by Mark Gatiss
- Loving the Alien by Mike Tucker and Robert Perry
- Match of the Day by Chris Boucher
- Matrix by Robert Perry and Mike Tucker
- Millennium Shock by Justin Richards
- Mission: Impractical by David A. McIntee
- Palace of the Red Sun by Christopher Bulis
- Players by Terrance Dicks
- Prime Time by Mike Tucker
- Psi-ence Fiction by Chris Boucher
- Rags by Mick Lewis
- Relative Dementias by Mark Michalowski
- Salvation by Steve Lyons
- Spiral Scratch by Gary Russell
- Storm Harvest by Robert Perry and Mike Tucker
- Superior Beings by Nick Walters
- Synthespians™ by Craig Hinton
- Ten Little Aliens by Stephen Cole
- The Colony of Lies by Colin Brake
- The Devil Goblins from Neptune by Martin Day and Keith Topping
- The Eleventh Tiger by David A. McIntee
- The Face of the Enemy by David A. McIntee
- The Final Sanction by Steve Lyons
- The Hollow Men by Keith Topping and Martin Day
- The Indestructible Man by Simon Messingham
- The Infinity Doctors by Lance Parkin
- The Murder Game by Steve Lyons
- The Quantum Archangel by Craig Hinton
- The Roundheads by Mark Gatiss
- The Scream of the Shalka by Paul Cornell
- The Shadow in the Glass by Stephen Cole and Justin Richards
- The Suns of Caresh by Paul Saint
- The Time Travellers by Simon Guerrier
- The Ultimate Treasure by Christopher Bulis
- The Wages of Sin by David A. McIntee
- The Witch Hunters by Steve Lyons
- Tomb of Valdemar by Simon Messingham
- Verdigris by Paul Magrs
- Warmonger by Terrance Dicks
- Wolfsbane by Jacqueline Rayner
- World Games by Terrance Dicks
- Zeta Major by Simon Messingham