Oddly enough, I think depression is contagious. I know I have been for a while, which is dumb cause I have qforlong. Even though he makes me happy, something inside me seems broken and I feel sad and depressed. I've come to grips with the fact that I'm just insane. But I have come to realize that you shouldn't belittle your own depression just because of how other people are doing.
We should get together sometime (besides game night). I miss our conversations when the Salvation Army was still open and I'd torture... I mean, guide you through exercises, and you'd help me keep my sanity during a time when I felt like I was in complete darkness and forsaken by everyone. Thursday/Fridays are my days off (for now), plus of course the weekends. Let me know if you want to get together and do lunch, or sight see, or just wander somewhere. :) Hell, we can go sit in a park, chit-chat for a while, and laugh maniacally if some kid hurts himself.
My point is, if you want someone around, I'm available! You know there are a lot of people who love you.
We should get together sometime (besides game night). I miss our conversations when the Salvation Army was still open and I'd torture... I mean, guide you through exercises, and you'd help me keep my sanity during a time when I felt like I was in complete darkness and forsaken by everyone. Thursday/Fridays are my days off (for now), plus of course the weekends. Let me know if you want to get together and do lunch, or sight see, or just wander somewhere. :) Hell, we can go sit in a park, chit-chat for a while, and laugh maniacally if some kid hurts himself.
My point is, if you want someone around, I'm available! You know there are a lot of people who love you.
I'd love to hang out (especially to giggle at maladroit children). I'll give you a call and we'll find a time to hang out!
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