Well, I have slowly been trying to get healthier these days, as some of you may know. February marks my 4th month of going to the pool regularly and doing an aerobic workout (I think it was actually 5 months ago that I joined, but there was a 3 week stretch without a car). I think I may have lost some weight, but I'm not sure. I know my stamina has improved a bit and my muscles in my arms are getting stronger. Unfortunately, the Salvation Army gym that I have been going to is closing down for an indefinite length of time at the beginning of March, which means I need to join a real gym with real membership fees... [sigh]
I haven't had too much luck cutting back on how much I eat, but I'm (sorta) trying.
I *did* however, decide to cut out adding the copious amounts of extra salt that I always have used on my food. I've gone three days now without sprinkling extra sodium on anything I've eaten and it doesn't seem to be an issue at all... all these years I've always piled on the salt and now I find that the food tastes pretty good all on its own! Maybe I will lose some extra weight when my body flushes out the extra salt from my system and the water that it is probably retaining. I've also been drinking more water than I ever did before, which should assist in this endeavor.
I'm still seeing my therapist and I feel a lot less depressed than when I first started going a few years ago. So my mental health is progressing nicely...
(I can hear you all laughing... fuckers!) :)
I am doing well financially as well (even without working), which is a nice respite from the Great Money Panic of Ought-Five. Kudos btw to
pvlgize for helping me form a sensible battle plan when I was totally panicking last November. And, yes, I'm sure I will be implementing those plans very soon. :)
My goals for the year are to get my fucking property in shape and organized, to get some kind work so I don't repeat November's clusterfuckery and to finish writing up (at least part of) Domibia for publication. Oh and to continue my "get healthier" scheme...
So, without counting my chickens before they are hatched, 2006 is shaping up to be a really nice year... except for the whole turning 43 this month... which sucks roadkill-ass (in summer).