(no subject)

May 04, 2007 16:42

Finish the sentences. Some may be uncomfortable, but you'll manage. Repost it as "Finish the sentences." when you're done!

1. I've come to realize that my last kiss...hmmmm, real last kiss? well, we just won't go there today.

2. I am listening to. . . my sister's radio station.........apparently I didn't get a choice in the matter :-P

3. I talk . . . a lot.

4. I love . . . . love, summer, flip flops, ALMANDS, sisters, driving with all the windows down on a gorgeous day, Del's Lemonade.....let's just say a lot of things.

5. My best friends .... are amazing people and I don't know where I'd be without them.

6. My first real kiss . . . .wasn't with someone I wanted it to be with.

7. My life. . . .is amazing right now and I am sooo happy everything's in order.

8. Relationships are. . .. chaotic and crazy, and I don't know if I have the patience for one right now.

9. Love is . . .. wonderful when there's mutual feelings between the two parties.

10. Marriage is . . .. faaaaar down the road, but it is down the road.

11. Somewhere, someone is thinking. . . let the sunshine in. Enough said.

12. I'll always . . . think way too much about certain situations and will always be a person who actually shows their emotions.

13. I have a crush. . . . on life, on love, but on no particular someone.

14. The last time I cried was because... because I missed my  ALMANDS crew like woah :(

15. My cell phone...in my pocket.

16. When I wake up in the morning. . ..I have to rush out the door right away to drop off my sister at school so I can get the car for the day. Yeaaaah, it sucks.

17. Before I go to bed . . . . I check facebook (who doesn't?!), brush my teeth and kiss my puppy good night.
18. Right now I am thinking about. . . .going to Old Orchard Beach this weekend (wahoo!!) and wish that I had my ALMANDS crew with me.

19. Babies are....really cute.

20. I get on myspace . . . to check my wall & be a stalker : )

21. Today I. . .actually went back to bed after dropping off my sister & Mom and woke up at 1:30 this afternoon. Now that's a nap!

22. Tonight I will . . . pack then drive to Old Orchard Beach for the weekend!!!!!

23. Tomorrow I will be. ..in Old Orchard Beach!!!!!.........does anyone see a theme goin here? haha

24. I really want to be . . ...with someone, but at the same time, I'm happy who I am and where I am now.

25. Someone that will most likely repost this is.......who knows.
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