Apr 28, 2007 18:30
I haven't been home even one full day yet and I already hate it. My "home" in Rhode Island is really just a place to stay until August rolls around. There's little to no freedom. No space or privacy to do what I want. When I want to just be by myself and let it settle in that I'm not going back to Burlington for a few months, I have no place to do that. Everyone is all up in my face and never giving me the space that I deserve.
Today I am rushing from driving back from Burlington to Cabaret, so obviously I'm not going to have time to unpack the car. Yet somehow my dad thinks that I have time and room for that matter to do so. Wrong! Thank god I'm only in Rhode Island for a month. I don't think I could stand to live there longer than that. And thank god that I am living in Burlington next summer.
I miss my A.L.M.A.N.D.S. soooo much and I don't know how I'm going to get through the summer without them. <3 <3 <3