Feb 07, 2005 22:32
Hello there. Just a mild update. Yes, I am still alive. Just not a big fan of personel journals. They have their uses, but ultimately, their just one big angst ball(nothing against the people who use them, naturally).
Well, what's happen is, that Duo's stopped being director. Leo and Fuchi are now the co-directors and leaders of the MUSH. I think they will both do a very good job, and I expect much to come from them! Good luck, guys.
In other news, track conditioning has started. Boy, I am so out of shape. I'm sore every week, but in the same light, I feel really good about myself. Lost 15 pounds! Woo hoo! And I actually like what I am seeing in the mirror. Another plus. The only bad thing about all this weight loss is.. well, it isn't exactly a good thing. Mainly because, for the past two or three months there are times in which I am not able to enjoy a full meal. Period. It just comes up a few hours later, and I am left not-hungry and I don't eat the rest of the day. Yes, yes, I know this isn't good, and I'm already seeing the doctor about it, and he doesn't know what's wrong with me SO I'm going to another doctor. Great. More tests to go through. *muttermutter*.
On the plus side, at least we're working towards getting to see what exactly is wrong with me. All this puking is making Nic unhappy. Very very unhappy. I like eating. I truly do. I don't like to see all my hard-work of eating going down the toiler. And plus, I'll eat my teeth out if this keeps up.
That's it.