Mar 14, 2005 22:59
WELL something odd's going on and I reckon I ought to do something about it, since apparently no one else can be bothered!! though really, they're the ones with the problems so maybe they don't even know about it?? anyway, SOME people keep going on about sodding "Sam", whoever the sod that is, and talking nonsense like it makes sense all over the place and NO ONE ELSE SEEMS TO SODDING NOTICE!!! What is this?? has the whole school gone mad??? even Harry's been off lately, wandering around looking like he's drunk or something all the sodding time. I mean, I want him to be happy, but he's too sodding cheerful!! HONESTLY! it's not normal!!!
And the Slytherins better keep their sodding dirty magazines away from Ginny!! Honestly!! she's only a fifth year and she's off looking at things like that that NO ONE SHOULD LOOK AT REALLY, THEY'RE PRETTY HORRID NOT THAT I WOULD KNOW, YEA??? !!!
anyway easter holiday's coming up!! ought to be BRILLIANT unless Hermione makes us do sodding work !!! yea, Hermione?? take a break!!!
I guess I'll try and go find Parvati since it looks like we're the only two NORMAL ones left in this sodding place!!