Aug 21, 2004 21:54
"I am struck again and again by the parallels between the peepshow and the culture in general. The people inside the peepshow-those performing, those observing, and those managing the spectacle-are "normal" people engaged in an activity more explict but not different in underlying structure from much of the activity of our daily lives. My lover says that the peepshow's function is to allow us to define ourselves in culture as normal, because we call the peepshow marginal and perverse. From in here, it looks like any clean division between oppressions to go unchallenged. It allows the Christian father who fucks his daughter to say, "I'm not doing anything wrong, look at those perverts over there." It allows politicians to enact wars on drugs, wars on prostitution, wars on aliens while they trade favors with corporate dealers, pimps, and coyotes out of their Capitol Hill and City Hall offices. The peepshow does not subvert the culture, it mirrors it."
Whores and other Feminists
peepshow reflections, Vicky Funari
edited by Jill Nagle