new painting-emperor alice tarot

Sep 10, 2008 02:36

emperor alice tarot

the election season got me inspired. lewis carroll was subversive in his attitude toward royalty.

Brothers admit stealing parts from 244 corpses - CNN. com

Two brothers who ran a funeral home and crematorium admitted Tuesday that they sold corpses to a company that trafficked stolen body parts, a macabre scheme that left families aghast and unclear about the fate of their loved ones.

... The brothers allowed at least 244 corpses to be carved up without families' permission and without medical tests, prosecutors said. Skin, bones, tendons and other parts -- some of them diseased -- were then sold around the country for dental implants, knee and hip replacements, and other procedures.

Some bodies were only torsos by the time the hacking was done, said Assistant District Attorney Evangelia Manos.

http://www. cnn. com/2008/CRIME/09/02/philly. body. parts. ap/index. html?iref=mpstoryview

Taraf de Haidouks: Party in the Car

From: The Gypsy Chronicles
Date: Sep 4, 2008 4:15 PM

Translated lyrics in English / Best view Large Screen;0)
Taraf de Haidouks Link to Myspace of Taraf de Haidouks
http://www. myspace. com/tarafdehaidouksbandofgypsies

The best preserved mummy, 2 year old Rosalia Lombardo, died 1920:


From: &
Date: Sep 4, 2008 8:49 PM

RE: New oil painting.... George Carlin R.I.

From: adam james chiodo INKTAILOR. COM
Date: Sep 4, 2008 8:47 PM

la Vie en Minut - di Cinedavinci & Altaluna

Date: Sep 7, 2008 10:28 AM

la Vie en Minut - di Cinedavinci & Altaluna

Monty Python's Flying Circus (cartoons)

"This is a photograph of Carrie L. Parsons, wife and three children murdered by Joseph Hamilton about two miles east of Success, MO on Friday October the 12, 1906. Parsons had sold his crop to young Hamilton. On the day of the murder Parsons loaded his Family and household effects in his wagon and started for Miller Co, MO when about two miles east of Success at what is known as the old Vance Place he was murdered this was about 2 o'clock in the day. The wagon was then driven into thicket of brush and left until about midnight that night when young Hamilton returned hitched up Drove to Piney River and threw all of the Bodies into the water two of the children was found by Fishing Party with in one hour after were thrown in. Hamilton was arrested two Days later trying to make his escape. He made a full confession of his crime. He was tried at the November term of Court and Sentenced to be Hanged ..he 21st. His Father came here and made quite an effort to have his sentence commuted to life imprisonment - but to no avail he was Hanged at 11 o'clock December 21st 1906 at Houston MO. Young Yamilton was 21 years old and a son of J. Bill Hamilton that is said to Preach at the New Church. This is a true likeness I was Present when it was Taken [signed] G.W.

Article Date: December 22 1906

Article Description: Lad Executed for 5 Murders.
Joda HAMILTON Expiates for
Terrible Crime Committed at Houston, Missouri

Houston, Mo., Dec. 21.
--The execution here today of Joda HAMILTON, a 23-year-old
farmer boy, for the murder of five members of the family of Barney PARSONS, a farmer, was a horrible affair.

Two attempts were necessary before hanging proved successful.
The first rope broke
at the first attempt.
HAMILTON shot through the trap with a jerk and the spectators
were horrified to see the rope part.
HAMILTON dropped to the ground and lay there
writhing in pain, partially conscious.
He was picked up quickly and carried a second
time to the scaffold.
The rope was hurriedly placed about the boy's neck and the
trap again sprung. This time it was successful.

The trap was sprung at 11:05.
It required some time to repair the rope and it was
11:10 before the trap was sprung the second time. The attending physician expressed the belief that HAMILTON was fatally injured by the first fall and died before he dropped the second time. The body was turned over to HAMILTON'S father.

Pop surrealist Camille Rose Garcia has opened an astonishing show of paintings at New York's Jonathan LeVine Gallery. Garcia's psychedelic visions depict an interzone of the insane where charming entities enact a paranoiac's fairy tale.

http://jonathanlevinegallery. com/?method=Exhibit. ExhibitDescription&ExhibitID=07D2B1BA-115B-5562-AABAF78425376622

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=Hy_QH6j2SOg


From: Doom and Gloom Productions
Date: Sep 3, 2008 2:05 AM

FOX News Journalist in Civilian Massacre Coverup
by Grand Moff Texan
Mon Sep 08, 2008 at 12:20:45 PM PDT

We interrupt your steady diet of panic and process talk to bring you the following news from the outside world.

On August 21st, something happened in Nawabad, Afghanistan.  Everyone but the Pentagon agrees:  US forces killed 92 civilians, including about 60 children.  The Pentagon insisted that its forces had attacked a Taliban meeting, killing 35 Taliban and seven civilians.

Now that there is video of the slaughter, however, the Pentagon is reopening the investigation it just closed.  In doing so, the Pentagon revealed the name of their star witness, denying the massacre:

Oliver North.

more here

Michael Parenti presenting Capitalism's Apocalypse

Dr. Michael Parenti is an internationally known award-winning author and lecturer and one of the nation’s leading progressive political analysts. As author of 20 highly informative and entertaining books - his latest is Contrary Notions- and innumerable talks his ideas have reached a wide range of audiences in North America and abroad.
This presentation, Capitalism Apocalypse, was in Oakland, California.
Learn more about Michael Parenti at

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