trea, aaron and friend, river
sorry for the crappy pics of the teaparty. i was apparently not on task like i should have been.
eric, julz and kate
julz dancing to slavic soul party!
opa cupa!
k. brought "alice" wine
and thanks everyone for the surprise b-day party!
Fun at Gypsy Raven Studio
me not doing great on hula-hoop
Birthday Greeting from Joe Cocker
Cabaret : 1984 Previously Banned Russian Animation
gadjo dilo> gypsy wedding & gypsy funeral & trailer
http://www. amazon. com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/002-8381757-9751211?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=gadjo+dilo&x=0&y=0 WEDDING
http://www. amazon. com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/002-8381757-9751211?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=gadjo+dilo&x=0&y=0 Mike Shine Paints
http://www. shinelounge. com/ take a walk
El Caminito del Rey
http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Caminito_del_Rey http://www. earthdream. co. uk/blog/2008/05/more-from-el-camino-del-rey-el-caminito. html New Music Video for "POLICIA"
PistoleraDate: Aug 19, 2008 2:27 PM
Pistolera's new music video for the song "Policía" from the new album "En Este Camino" is out now.
Directed by Haroun Ibn-Mock in Brooklyn, NY.
The video parodies the true story of when singer Sandra Velasquez was arrested at the airport for traveling with a bullet decorated guitar strap.
Veruca Salt - I want it now
Vaudeville Queen - Aida Overton Walker
http://www. myspace. com/humanwine Radio Interview with Cynthia McKinney on RadioActive Lunch
Cynthia McKinney for President 2008/Green PartyDate: Aug 18, 2008 10:39 AM
Here is a cool radio interview with Cynthia on the RadioActive Lunch, give it a few seconds to load...
http://radioactivelunch. com/index. php?option=com_content&task=view&id=122&Itemid=1I spoke with 6 term Congresswoman and Green Party Presidential Nominee Cynthia McKinney about her transition to the Democratic Party, Green Party values, and Cynthia's commitment to the right to self determination, freedom, liberty, justice, accountability, and speaking truth to empower.
http://radioactivelunch. com/Audio/Cynthia_McKinney_081308s. mp3 To Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente Supporters Everywhere!
Cynthia McKinney for President 2008/Green PartyDate: Aug 19, 2008 9:00 AM
Join the site that can spur you on to ACTION, get you networking with your locals so you can organize for Cynthia and Rosa and connect you with the campaign itself!
This is a SOCIAL NETWORK, so you need to go to the site, log in, create a profile, join your STATE GROUP and get some events and fundraisers going in your local area and
state. If you are familiar with FACEBOOK and MYSPACE or any other SOCIAL NETWORK, this will only take you a few
minutes. Be sure to come back every day to check out new info on Cynthia and Rosa, events, news, blogs, stories, etc.
See you there!
http://votetruth08. com/ Anita Stewart
New Media/Virtual Outreach
Cynthia McKinney for President 2008
..Rosanne Barr Goes Green! Since i will vote for a woman instead of a man any day - there is a woman running, I am going to vote for Cynthia McKinney, Green Party candidate for President. The first woman in history to run as the nominee of a viable party is Cynthia McKinney of the green party. The green party is the future of America.
FKN NEWZ .....
Jody... Date: Aug 21, 2008 8:59 PM
Q and A with Rosa Clemente!
Cynthia McKinney for President 2008/Green PartyDate: Aug 21, 2008 3:13 PM
http://blogs. vibe. com/jeffchang/2008/08/hip-hop-vp-a-qa-with-rosa-clemente/ Guns and Butter Wednesday, August 20th, 2008
http://www. kpfa. org/archives/index. php?arch=27949 anti-war diary
I expected a lot of abuse, posting this anti-Obama, anti-war diary on the popular, democratic party blog dailykos. Some of the comments though have been quite thoughtful.
http://www. dailykos. com/story/2008/8/20/82950/7588/619/570945 Where the Democratic Party has failed - Cynthia McKinney
Cynthia McKinney for President 2008/Green PartyDate: Aug 22, 2008 10:32 AM
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=GpYlQx2MLuw It is not a question of PARTY anymore!
The Betrayal of America - Vincent Bugliosi
circa.. 1967Date: Aug 22, 2008 10:11 AM
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=tD8HD0McNpU