Wellbutrin + no sleep = insanity

Jun 19, 2008 01:27

H'okay so I've learned a valuable lesson. SLEEP- I need it when I'm on this medication. Without it I go completely insane...Like, the bad, non-creative, live puppy boiling, type of insane...hallucinations and all that fun stuff *confetti* Now, I understand 1:30 ain't 'zactly early bedtime for me to be getting up at 9am but I think its a wee bit better than 6am. I've got to turn in pretty early because I'm going up to the "school" tomorrow and getting my shit set straight for what I've got to do to get the last bit of my credits in. Woooo nothing but a fuck-ton of math and a forensics class. I just hope Lorie doesn't do to me what she's oh-so-very fond of doing. "OH HAI I didn't tell you about all this shit but you've got FIVE BEEEELION pages of "makeup work" (AKA. "shit I have lost but don't want to tell you about" to do by friday ) boooo. Kay at this point I'm just typing to avoid laying down so I'm wrapping it up here. g'night.

medication, sleep patterns, mental health

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