I apologize for a double-post but I would really like to keep everything separate. Especially for this post. I really only have one bit of news to update on seeing as how I've done less than nothing for weeks now...but here goes what I do have.
SO, we all remember my )most recent) ex..right? Well have I got an amusing story for you all. I broke things off as you all can recall. I'd like to think I did it in the best way possible. I wasn't mean or out of line and I wanted to continue an relationship with him. Just not romantic, he didn't take this so well because in the short time we had been together he apparently had become obsessed with me. I understand this to a point but some people just take things too far. Anyway, we started talking less and less and as I started becoming more reclusive it eventually go to where we didn't even speak at all. After about a month he wrote me a message saying "Goodbye, Amy" and nothing else. I messages him back as soon as I received it and asked him what that was all about. Apparently I had hurt him even more for not going out of my way to message him. At this point I didn't even have AIM installed to speak to anyone, but..you know it must have been because I was singling in out, right? Either way we exchanged messages several times, it ending in that he "understood" even though it "killed" him and that I was still his world. The conversation did not end bitter on either end, or so I thought. Ever since then things began to roll downhill in one giant shit snowball though. I didn't speak to him for several weeks again until I ran into him on the
gaiaonline forums. I thought it was a rare and peculiar occasion so I spoke to him simply saying "fancy seeing you here" his reply was short worded and I could tell something had gone horribly wrong somewhere. I tried to strike up conversation and poke around. I even apologized for not speaking to him but I did explain how it was not just him. At this point unless you were here at my house physically with me I probably had not spoken to you in months. After my explanation and apology that I had no business giving him because I had done nothing wrong I asked him if we were still friends and he send me a private message saying that yes we were. Fine and grand, right? I thought so. See, he wasn't the only person I was talking to in this thread on gaia, there was a female as well, we shared exact same interests, looked freakishly like long lost twins and I suppose if you didn't know any better could mistake one of us for the other (minus the fact I have stretched lobes). THIS was his new girlfriend. Yet another internet "girlfriend" this time this one lives in California. This, to me was the reason for this new attitude. I don't know maybe I'm wrong but I'd gather he was pissed that we were interacting with one another because the more I talking to him via AIM the more he hinted about out to the point where he even flat out asked me to *gasp* not speak to her at all because I just might possibly say something to her that one make him lose her. Well we all know how I like being told what to do. We also know how much I enjoy proving people wrong. "You do know there is nothing I could say to her that would change a thing and the ONLY thing that could effect your relationship is your own mistakes." I guess after this we were both equally pissed off because this began round one of a flood of pointless drama. Ending in him demanding I give him back the goggles he gave to me as a valentines day gift. I refused to give him anything until I saw my WoW disc returned to me. The disc he took on "accident" from my house. I can't really be bothered to explain the whole thing at the moment because I've got to start getting dressed for my appointment but I found the conversation in my AIM logs, read it if you want. Nevermind that even I would TL;DR that shit. If any of you are interested I'll post it but only then. I've got to go for now. I'm about to be late.