
Apr 23, 2012 00:01

I love the rain~

I love the gray skies, I love the cool, I love thunder and lightening and the sound of dripping. I even like the smell I can only describe as rain.

I like to turn out all the lights and noise, pull open all the blinds, maybe slightly crack a window, and just watch and listen. Truly relaxing.

I especially love that, when it rains, I don't need to water the plants, or take the dog out, or go out and be normal. All the nagging I get from family and friends to move my huge ass from in front of the computer screen and exercise, or interact with other humans melts away. To everyone else, its too miserable to be normal and they all plant their roots on the couch and drown in sweet rerun.

Rain is when the living world, all the humans and animals and things we have rights rallies for, switches places with the inanimate. We hole up and stop moving, when rocks and dirt and plants and the sea and the sky and pavement all begin to move and change and come alive. Rain erodes the rocks and moves them along the racing soil, both cleaning and dirtying the earth around it. The chalk melts away from the driveway, as the car takes a shower on its own accord. Plants and seeds dance and grow and sing, and the waters everywhere bounce and cheer, or rage against the battered shores because the sky is crying. Crying tears of joy and sadness both. It cries for the land, and all the damage and thirst it was forced to withstand while it wasn't watching, and it cries to see everything below celebrate because the sky is there now, and the sky knows it is forgiven.

I love how, if a living, animate being, were to step out into the world during the celebration of rain, there's little they can do other then stand there and get wet. The rain will not stop falling, and any attempt to change the world we once had dominion over will just be flushed away, as if we hadn't done anything at all.

I love how once we regain control over the earth, when we are once again the alive, and the rocks and trees and clouds return to the stillness, everything has changed. The smells, the sounds, the order of every object in your yard is different then it was before the storm. I love that, even if you return them to how they once where, come next rain, they will have changed all over again.
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