Le Sigh

Sep 01, 2011 05:02

More like 'Le FUCK YOU ALL' but whatevah.

I didn't want to start out my 'new' LiveJournal with a rant, but think I think qualifies.

Just now I reported a Tumblr blog for bashing an artist I watch on Tegaki. Now, its not that shes a friend or anything- its just... so cruel. Really, I don't even fucking know the girl, but as I was scrolling down and reading posts and my stomach flipped, multiple times.

How can people be so blindly hurtful!? I ask this so often, dear god. Countless Tumblr blogs dedicated to bashing people- either because of their art or their looks or- I don't even know any more. Oh look- there are some on here too? What even?! How do you people feel when someone DIES because of this shit? No- even if they don't die, just knowing that someone was hurt would be enough to drive me half insane.

Lets see- Oh here! There's an infamous cosplayer on the web that I happened to be sent some pictures of by a friend. At first I laughed- thinking it was a joke, but as I traced the pictures to their source and found out that the person in them was seriously trying to enjoy cosplay I became disgusted in myself. It still bothers me that I bashed someone, who was trying their hardest despite physical deformity, just to get a kick with my friends.

AND THAT'S WITH NO WAY OF THIS PERSON FINDING OUT. I lost my shit for the sake of a complete stranger who will never be any wiser to what was said.

I can never take something I know someone worked hard on, or enjoy, or anything that gives someone happiness and ruin it. YES, I disagree with some peoples views and styles and shit like that. And YES I will offer criticism. BUT NEVER- FUCKING NEVER- will I try to hurt. Even at its worst, all I can do is look away.

I don't see how other people can lack a conscience and still call themselves human (or maybe that's where I'm wrong? Maybe I'M the inhuman one~ hehe).

Hell, I'm having issues with one of the closest people to me. Slowly said person is clambering up on the hate wagon with everyone else. They'll say they're going to 'rant' about someone, then bash them the fuck down. It's scary.

It's scary because its behind their back. Never before have I seen the term 'two faced' personified so perfectly.

I have trust issues, years of bullying and abuse (to which I was completely blind to) has left me cynical and paranoid perhaps, but I can't shake the feeling its me she's talking about when I'm not there.

But it also makes me wonder if she's one of those annons on that fucking blog. I just have to pray shes not...

Anyway. Bullying and bashing and people who have no conscience = the second worst thing in the world, the first being hypocrisy. And that's a rant for later.

So, yeah.
FUCK: http://rinardefart.tumblr.com/
SCREW: http://tegakiesnark.livejournal.com/

Le sigh once more- Jerks exist, yahyahyah, people just do things, yahyahyah, I'm fuckin' allowed to be pissed alright >:T so no need to console me here~ If you want to comment either agree or try to give me ONE VALID FUCKIN' REASON its okay to take someone down for doing something they love.


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