Oct 05, 2009 00:04
Just read the His Dark Materials trilogy this weekend and liked it quite a bit. I actually agree with many of the theological/philosophical ideas expressed and have for some time now (starting back in high school I started to come around to many of them). I do feel he is a little hard on the church at times, but overall I kinda agree with Pullman. Very interesting world(s) he created for it, although the eventual outcome of everything could be seen from pretty early on in the second book and there were a number of plot holes. Still, a very pleasant read. I'm sure that movies of the 2nd and 3rd books would never be released in America even if the DO get made. As open minded of a country as we like to think we are we are pretty fucking closed minded, self righteous, and not much slower to damn "heresies" and "sinners" as our forefathers, which is just plain sad. It really IS a whole anti-Narnia. ^_^
Now to get back to the Litany of The Long Sun which I did not get nearly as much read from as I had intended this weekend, only about a hundred pages or so. Ah well, that is what this week will be for.