Dec 29, 2006 23:49
I don't know if I can explain this well, but lately I've been thinking about "fake meat" in a different way and I wanted to talk about it.
I know there's the stereotypical thing to say: "You shouldn't rely on fake meats, you are not going to be healthy if you only eat them, and besides, why are you trying to imitate something you don't want to eat?" OK, I somewhat agree with this anyways.
But also I have been thinking about the anti-vegetarian traditionalist notion that portrays soy products as trying to homogenize and blandify food and make it come out of a factory and not "real" ingredients that are unpredictable.
You know what? They really have a point in a way. This is not just the fault of soy products but they are still an expression of this. You know, I will probably never eat a "real" sausage but to be honest if I had to leave only one for our descendents I would rather it be "real" sausages than soy sausages. What the hell is a soy sausage? It has a uniform texture. It's always going to be the same as any other one. There is nothing "inside" it.
OK, I use them to make some of my dishes creamier/chewier, but I really think soy products are not all they are cracked up to be. Boring pieces of rubber--I'll never admit it's "almost as good". I don't like the taste of either, haha!
Here is a parable I always thought was very wise, not exactly about vegetarianism but just how to live your life in general. If you think I am a hippie, fine, but this was said long before the first hippie walked the earth ;)
A friend of Diogenes visited him and found him eating a dinner
of lentils. The friend was a courtier in the court of the king.
He said to Diogenes, "If you would learn to flatter the king you
would not have to eat lentils." Diogenes replied, "And if you
would learn to eat lentils you would not have to flatter the king."